Пронајдени резултати: 3403
08.10.2017 во Guide me oh the wise one
Напишано од Black Swans, 08.10.2017 at 04:21

While it sounds great, for some reason I have urge to go to conflict zone.

Speaking on behalf of the community of atwar we are very happy for that urge of yours and we all support your endeavor. Please go to Syria to fight with the FSA!

Good riddance Godspeed young man, we will miss you!
08.10.2017 во First aw strike
Stupid plebs, yes sign sign. I will play alone with my alts now and win cw season and elo season. gg
07.10.2017 во First aw strike
Напишано од Mauzer Panteri, 07.10.2017 at 15:15

Proof for that is my friend eagle won east tour. D

07.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од Acquiesce, 07.10.2017 at 09:08

1. Eugenics is evil.

How about no?
07.10.2017 во Catalonia and Kurdistan
Напишано од JUGERS2, 06.10.2017 at 14:49

YourLIFE- I dont hope it because in the end serbs bulgs greeks gonna ally because they cant beat someone alone

Italy of soldiers that wanted to visit greece and not fight it

Or maybe you can keep it closed if you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Its perfectly understandable to be uneducated when you come from a war torn country with no schools like Kosovo, but dont try to act like a smart ass then.

So a combined force of around 100.000 well equipped and trained Italian soldiers and 6 large battalions of Albanian soldiers (coupled with Albanian spies inside Greece responsible for sabotage) with the support of 200 tanks, 500 artillery and 400 aircraft launched an attack against a poorly equipped force consisting of 10.000 Greek soldiers (35.000 the first week) without tanks and with only 80 aircrafts.

The result? You both got raped, the whole world swallowed their tongues as they logically thought Greece defeat was unavoidable and you even lost South Albania to a counterattack. I dont know what you are blabbering about to be honest.

05.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од Waffel, 05.10.2017 at 04:55


Seriously snap out of it, its just an internet argument in a forum where we occasionally discuss war, history and politics, nothing more to it. Dont be so sensitive..
05.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од Waffel, 05.10.2017 at 03:40

This is solely the reason America has its gun shooting problems, not to mention the amount of ignorant people. But saying this... mfw..

And to wonder that people with a mindset like this can get into politics or any other highly valued job with influence in America or become a president or w/e. Its just sickening, lol.

Funny, you reached your conclusion again and proceeded to personal attacks without even offering an argument. You must have forgot.

Anyway if you think gun control is America's biggest problem right now, it just shows how simplistic and pedantic your view of the world really is.

Whats more interesting is how deluded you are, thinking you have it better in the Netherlands because the crime is yet low, yet you have effectively surrendered your national sovereignty and identity. Muslim immigrants are ruining your neighborhoods and their crimes are not reported. Your freedoms are crushed and your liberties taken away.

The last director who made a documentary about Islam got murdered. The last politician who spoke out against Islam was assassinated. The last teacher who tweeted about his muslim students got arrested. People posting on social media about Islam are having visits from the police aswell. So much freedom wow

Some interesting facts.

-Muslims make up 4% of the population but 40% of prison.
-80% of African immigrants are on wellfare.
-Jewish scools need to be guarded and while its perfectly fine for women to walk around in hijabs, jews are constantly harassed in the streets.
-In most major cities there are no go zones, where white christians, jews, women and gays cannot go without getting harassed.
-The new born muslims are more radicalised than their parents, most of them support Sharia law studies show.

*Teachers at schools are trying to speak out about how the muslim students are out of control, bullying Dutch kids and celebrating after every Europe terrorist attack but they are being denied freedom of speech.

*Volunteers who work at refugee camps are trying to speak out about the crimes that are commited daily by angry male refugees who dont get the things they are promised, free house, free car and a job, but guess what they are censored as well.

You lost your country, admit it. You dont even have the basic freedoms of speech and expression. You cant possibly dare talk about America and its "problems". I mean, please..
05.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од 1GodofWar1, 04.10.2017 at 22:20

Remind me why we are not friends
We agree on practically every subject that was ever discussed here on aw

Because of a silly misunderstanding in a duel years ago, i had my share of fault in this one..But we are way beyond that now
04.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од Rivaldo, 04.10.2017 at 13:06

Werent you the one supporting trump during the elections? and then got disapointed afterwards (just like many other people who supported him)

Yes i did, because i dont take sides for the sake of it, i just observe and shape my opinions based on the information available, Trump was the best choice available at the moment. But i dont think being disappointed in Trump's presidency relates to cheering for the murder of innocent civilians who attended a concert to have fun, just because they might have voted for him, thats absurd.
04.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од Crow, 04.10.2017 at 13:05

Why are you so triggered that you have to resort to racism? You get angry when Commando Eagle makes fun of you for being transgender or gay but you're out here using open racism.

Did i hurt your feelings, poor little soul, aw.

I never got angry when commando implied that being transgender or homosexual is a cause of shame and ridicule, why would i? And even if i did, i would take care of my problem, i wouldnt lash out against all the scary cis straight males to cover up for my inability to accept the realities of the world we live in.

Anyway commando is a child of his enviroment, when kids are taught WHAT to think instead of HOW to think you get that result, its not really his fault. You are on that same level buddy, dont think higher of yourself.

Напишано од Crow, 04.10.2017 at 13:05

Lol ISIS claims responsibility for everything, only idiots such as yourself believe all of their claims. Let's not forget about the 'tolerant' Conservatives (edgy lonely teens from 4chan) celebrating the death of Heather Heyer and making fun of her weight.

You see the difference between me and you? I just stated the facts, that Isis did indeed claimed responsibility and that the story is still incomplete. Yet you rushed to reach judgement, making extraordinary claims with no evidence (that isis is lying) and conspiracy theories.

Whats more disturbing is that you equate the unprovoked mass shooting of 250 people who just went to a concert, to an agry man who hit one antifa thug with his car, while trying to go through a protest filled with criminals, some who hit his car prior to the attack.
04.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од Crow, 02.10.2017 at 15:08

If the shooter was a black guy or muslim the Alt Right would be 'chimping' out everywhere with their stupid racism, but since it was done by a white guy they're trying to come up with conspiracy theories and blaming Jews.

ISIS took responsibility for the attack in case you didnt know. The motive is still unknown and there are a lot of holes in the official story.

Btw your tolerant friends, you know liberals and minorities did show their moral superiority by spamming twitter and fb with compassionate remarks about how the victims deserved it, because they were rednecks, whites and trump voters (because they listened to country music)

Not racist at all
04.10.2017 во Shooting in Las Vegas
Напишано од Crow, 02.10.2017 at 17:25

Why is it that whenever a white person does a mass shooting they're always labelled as 'lone wolves with a mental illness' and not terrorists?

Because words..meaning..definitions..we use our vocabulary to communicate here in the 21st century. Go read illiterate dumb nigger and stop crying white privilege at every opportunity.

Напишано од Guest, 30.09.2017 at 11:58

I'm planning on buying an atwar T-Shirt at some point soon as well, I'm notoriously fashionable.

You cant look gay and nerd at the same time. You have to pick one.
I dont like black color in games. First of all all the autistic kids use it to seem like cool cats and secondly i cant see their walls clearly.

Plus it is actually racist and im not even joking, since white would be an amazing colour but it doesnt exist for unknown reasons.
24.09.2017 во UNDELETED JFRED!
Stupid attention whore. ignore
Напишано од Steve Aoki, 22.09.2017 at 10:22

Picture of King for 1st queen for 2nd and pawn for 3rd, for the lols?

lol you are such a racist piece of shit. Not only you imply males are superior to females, but you dont even recognize anything in between as a noteworthy choice.
22.09.2017 во Gib clan
What about him Lao? He can keep aqui company, we are running low on Amerifats
22.09.2017 во Rate me
Huarcks sticky posts about islamism and allah in epic clan's forum : +100.000.000 points
22.09.2017 во Play dont work
Resisted the temptation to post laghing gif

Since the language barrier is obvious, i would suggest messaging some Turk players like.

your monkey : http://atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=162321

opi : http://atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=517181
Напишано од SyrianDevil, 18.09.2017 at 04:45

nice pink google account, nice setting your gender to female mrs syrian force
21.09.2017 во R.I.P Morgan Freeman
Clear sign of the fucktardness of todays generation.

I can never ever ever EVER accept that i have to share oxygen and compete for the same natural resources as those stupid retarded people that just buy everything they read on fakebook.

Now i will just say what i always say, that we are too many and some billions need to die in order to reset humanity and aim for progress and intelligence again and the logically handicapped crowd will call me nazi.

Heil then!

Напишано од FatElvis, 19.09.2017 at 20:42

We now have 2 r16s congratulations

There can only be one! They must fight!

nice new avatar

19.09.2017 во MK 2k cw
Напишано од Waffel, 19.09.2017 at 16:10

Hope you bring lube Domo Homo

if i got a penny for every gay reference you made i would e able to pay the greek debt
19.09.2017 во Best Mortal Enemies
Напишано од SyrianDevil, 18.09.2017 at 21:06

i don't hate him, he hates me... vs Laochra

19.09.2017 во Best Friends Forever
Напишано од Permamuted, 18.09.2017 at 19:21

also i thought me you and khal had some sort of weird threesome thing going on.

18.09.2017 во Who is better player?
Напишано од clovis1122, 17.09.2017 at 19:40

I'll be impressed if you can get some other than your minion

Напишано од Sun Tsu, 18.09.2017 at 05:23

With 2 billion Muslims in the world, if they were all dangerous we would all be dead,

Erm no? "People" dont win wars. They would get slaughtered.

Напишано од Sun Tsu, 18.09.2017 at 05:23

don't let small minded racist idiots who haven't a clue about what they are talking about wind you up.

Nobody here bashed muslims what are you talking about

Напишано од Sun Tsu, 18.09.2017 at 05:23

It's like saying because Donald trump is a nutcase and Christian then all Christians must be dangerous. Stupid racist bigots....

That argument is pretty basic, not to mention old news. Thats something waffel would say, i d expect more from you. With that line of reasoning nazis were not all dangerous, or killers, just the ones that committed atrocities right? Only the "peacefull" nazis were enablers and that is equally bad.

The peacefull muslim majority argument has been debunked and countered from all sides, for quite some time. Time to move on.
14.09.2017 во How do you get black?
Напишано од Waffel, 14.09.2017 at 11:56

colour roulette


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