Пронајдени резултати: 1611
Given the current state of this game, and me not being sure if I would ever have the possibility again to say this to any of you guys, but I would really like to thank you: Amok and Ivan, for creating this wonderful game back in 2010 and with that bringing all the great people I've met, the friends I've made, and the many many great moments and memories I've also experienced over the many years on this incredible and special game.

After the Golden era of Call of Duty (MW2; BO1; MW3; BO2) I was in need of a new game to get addicted to (and I did already play Afterwind during that time, but not as much as I did afterwards) and I did get hooked up on this game again. Like I explained in my other post, the community-feellike atmosphere this game offered is what kept me logging in for many many years, even long after I lost most of the interests in competitively competing in the game. There is plenty of things this game has taught me personally, but I think I can speak for any non-native English speaker when I say that this game has offered many of us a platform where we could sharpen and perfection our English skills, and become sophisticated native-like speakers in the end 😉. And for that I am infinitely grateful, because it's actually something that ended up being very useful in my line of work. On personal level however, this game has also really opened my eyes as a naïve teenager at the time whom had a very fantasy-like view of the world, and thanks to the many chats, political debates, long conversations and banters I've had with many many people all over the world from many different cultures, it made me see things very differently in the world, for which I'm grateful. And the never-ending bragging rights of 200iq of topography, didn't hurt either.

I know a lot of people at the time cheered when you guys sold Afterwind, because we've been hearing 99,5% for many many years and most of us were all fed up with barely any updates from within the staff team, but I still think the 2010-2017/2018 period were the best years this game has ever had and I am glad that I could be a part of it during most of that period. Special thanks to Sun Tzu as well, whom picked up the control of the staff team during your times of absence, he really kept the game running for a while, before it got sold.

Given how things turned out to be over the last couple of years, I guess the saying: 'You don't know what you got till it's gone' unfortunately really did apply in this case.

Unfortunately it's not possible to write all of this on my own account anymore and I have to refer to an alt, but I hope both of you are doing very well in your personal lifes and I'm sure it must bring up some feelings for you guys as well seeing the game in the current state as it is.

Thank you for the wonderful times.

05.03.2025 во Why does Atwar die?
One year has passed by and almost nobody in this thread really mentioned the actual big elephant in the room: THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION.

As a player who's played this game for over 13 years, who saw the decrease, the increase and the actual downfall of the game multiple times during his time, I can surely say that 'Marketing' and the lack of 'AI' or some sort of mechanism is only a small factor of the actual problems of this game. Back when this game was thriving it didn't have the actual thousands of dollars being put in marketing and yet it didn't have as much trouble of retaining new players on this game because there was this thing called: A COMMUNITY.

The core base of this game is not the niche gameplay, the enthusiastic (but somewhat outdated) mechanics, no it was the core PLAYERBASE of this game and the activity and competition it brought forth. The reason people played this game for many many years, the reason new players kept coming and actually stayed on the game, and I sure believe the reason Dave decided to buy this game in the first place back in 2018/19, was because of a community-feellike atmosphere this game offered that made you just want to waste tons of hours just chatting, bantering, playing, beating, trashing, fighting each other.

This game brought all sorts of people from all over the world together, most of them that enjoyed strategic/risk kind of games, in order to pursue that one thing: annihilate each other on the battlefield (both in-game as on the forums). If it was standard EU+/CW competitive scene you were interested in, or the scenario scene, or the casual scene or the classic worldmaps (still the best map to this day), or those (like me), that long ago lost most of the interests in competing in the game, but actually still enjoyed the interactions between the people and friendships they've build over the years, it all leads to one important thing: A COMMUNITY.

Like I said, in my opinion the thing that brought back a lot of players over the years, still some of the current active players, is the community-feellike atmosphere this game offered. The roomchats, the gamechats, even the clanchats, were often crowded with politic-loaded, day in day-out kind of topics and very interesting worldwide debates and discussions.

However this need of people becoming a part of the community also had its downsides, people wanted to become popular, they wanted to become the best player, the best clan, the best person on the game etc., this often led to things such as finding advantages or exploits to have the better advantage, to do unsportsmanlike things, like hacking/exploiting bugs, wf'ing first turns, discriminating against lower ranks in games, allyfagging your way to victory every single game, you name it, this game has probably seen it.

On the other hand the game also attracted a lot of power-seeking people, some of them that enjoyed the thought of them being or becoming an important part of this game and leaving their mark in some way on the game, even if it meant destroying the very essence of this game, which eventually, it did. It started with numerous moderators abusing their powers over the years, over rivalry or petty little personal vendettas they've had and favouring their own clanmembers/friends over the others, to eventually the disaster called: The Dave's Administration.

The Dave's Administration
When Dave bought this game, I was one of the first persons to warn him for trusting certain type of people that would try to influence their way into his 'inner circle', since it was a becoming trend over the recent few years (as mentioned in previous paragraph) under Amok & Ivan and Sun Tzu. Dave at first seemed to be enjoying interacting with the community, participating in the chats and forums, organizing certain events, tournaments and quizzes.

Things all seemed fun and games for a while, but slowly Dave started to form a bond with a group of players, his 'inner circle', containing some players whom unfortunately had their own interests in this game as well (as mentioned in previous paragraph) and whom started to become more vocally on how they saw certain things within the community and the administration of the game, because they were basically invulnerable. Some of these players were offered higher roles, such as supporters/moderators or even administrators and started enforcing their own beliefs onto the current existing game, having their own personal feelings and agendas clouding their judgement. This had led to certain problems and unpleasantries within the staff team, such as moderators being demoted for speaking up, moderators being demoted by (new) administrators because of said petty little personal issues in the past, players that were incompetent to lead or moderate being somehow promoted to higher roles just because they're good at sucking up/friends withs Dave or other certain people.

After that came the community, certain words started being censored, things that were perfectly fine to talk or post about in both games and forums, all of sudden were being limited, restricted, and heavily moderated, people started getting muted or banned for using certain words, or simply being unfairly muted or banned in general, and they or their friends protesting about it being silenced. After that certain rules came in check where it was not allowed to post about certain actions from the staff team anymore, certain people started receiving permanent bans, their accounts being deleted from the game, their history being erased from the game, does this kind of regime sound any familiar? It just became a complete shitshow, which eventually led to a very discomforting and torn up community where on the one hand you had certain 'influential' people in the staff team basically feeling completely invulnerable and breaking multiple rules they themselves enforced onto other people, which led to a community that had to walk on eggshells, not being able to express themselves and when they did, most of the times in a very sarcastic way not to provoke anything, not enjoy themselves in the game or the forums and most of the time being just completely mistreated.

This certain regime change, unfortunately a common tendency all around the world when Americans tend to get involved, lasted for quite a while, and more and more problems within the community started to occur, certain incompetent players started being a part of decision makings concerning game mechanics, strategies, rules, clanwar systems, tournaments, basically the core of the whole gameplay. Dave himself got involved with certain players and basically started banning people left and right that didn't support his regime-changes and openly criticized it, players whom some of them contributed a lot to this game, like Laochra here above.

People that felt mistreated by Dave or his staff team started asking questions on alts and creating forums about the injustice and the actions, leading to Dave limiting guest accounts by disabling their chat and forum acces, making it unable to chat or post until you've reached a certain rank, making this game COMPLETELY UNFRIENDLY for any new player. No wonder there is a lack of new players retention, right? Even to this day the restrictions are still up.

2021 event
This all eventually led to the ''2021 event'', which basically was a thread of my doing stating my concerns about the current things within the community and mostly the destructive behaviour of the staff team. Certain staff members immediately locked and archived the thread, but after talking to Dave, he (at first) allowed a public discussion, so people could truly express their opinions on certain things, and people did feel the need to express themselves after walking on eggshells for such a long time, they thought they could express themselves freely about the problems within the community, the staff team, the problems concerning the bans and muting of people for minor things, being labelled as toxicity, you name it. A lot of people within the community replied on it, agreed with the problems being brought up, said there was need for a change of course, even some players within the staff team themselves spoke up. However, as the sentiment within the community started to grow that things needed to change and things couldn't go on any longer, Dave decided to discard any of the (constructive) comments that criticized his regime or his close friends and them being publicly discussed and accused. Dave started to demote certain players within his staff team that didn't agree with him, those who spoke up. He started to ban and delete the accounts of a lot of core players, ''the toxic troublemakers'', simply because they started to annoy him for speaking up and addressing a big problem within the community and the staff team. Players that've been on this game for over 10 years, players that contributed a lot of their time making the game a better place, players whom were part of the community long before he even set foot on this game and players that understood the community, the culture, the very essence of this game, something that Dave has yet failed to do so.

This eventually led to a lot of disagreements within the community, players felt that their friends, their clanmembers, their 'rivals' whom they competed against, were mistreated and the activity of the game slowly decreased. Something that these ''toxic troublemakers'' predicted would happen. Not so long after all of this, even the staff members in question, those whom made it their core mission to get rid of these ''toxic troublemakers'' of this game and enforce certain regime-changes, all fled the scene and were nowhere to be found after the mess they've created, resulting in the current state of affairs of this game and threads like this one haunting the forums.

It baffles me Dave that even after all these years, with the OBVIOUS decrease of player activity and no games being played most of the times, you still seem to continue this path of denial and destructiveness towards your own game and community, without recognizing or accepting the actual source and problems that has led to all of this.

And the probability of you censoring/archiving/deleting this post of mine, will only be more proof to that.

05.03.2025 во When we say goodbye
Напишано од bilawi, 05.03.2025 at 07:19

I wish you all would just fuck off already.

Ngl i cracked up reading this
05.03.2025 во When we say goodbye
I wish you all would just fuck off already.
05.03.2025 во .
Напишано од TimTheNoob, 04.03.2025 at 11:59

Your actual SP won't decrease if you're trying to buy upgrades if thats what you're trying to do

ok.thank you
04.03.2025 во Strategy Changes
Напишано од b2spirit, 02.03.2025 at 23:14

How could you do this to my precious LW

04.03.2025 во .
Yes if your sp points decrease your rank will decrease. once you get to the negative sp range you unlock special ranks. At r -1 any player can mute you. At r -2 any player can see your ip and ddos you. At r -3 you are legally allowed to be bitch slapped by any player who requests it at their choice of time and place. you MUST show up or Tengri blood eagles your family.
04.03.2025 во .
Your actual SP won't decrease if you're trying to buy upgrades if thats what you're trying to do
03.03.2025 во .
Hello. I wanted to ask you a question.. My current rank is 4 and my sp points are 12000, but.. if my sp points decrease.. will my rank decrease?
03.03.2025 во My official goodbye
Aint no way corrambo wrote that oh no no no ahhhhhaahh
02.03.2025 во Strategy Changes
How could you do this to my precious LW
02.03.2025 во My official goodbye
Напишано од AlBoZzZ, 01.03.2025 at 18:04

Sad to see you go, it was awesome playing together!!! thanks for all the good memories and wins.

This goes to show that we should always look after one another, no one knows what battles the other person is fighting.

With that being said, i want to share a picture with everyone. This picture is called "The Day Earth Smiled" and its the first picture we took of earth. When we sent a satellite in our solar system one of the biggest philosophers ( i forgot his name and i aint googling, you can do that yourself) said "when the space craft reaches saturn lets turn the camera around and take a picture of earth".

As you can see, reality is much bigger than our planet, much bigger than our dreams, much bigger than our happiness, worrying, concerns, and ourselves. So every time anyone feels sad or down, just look at this picture and youll realize none of it matters and none of it is as big or as serious as we may feel it is. So just enjoy life - Most of people who could be born will never be born. Dont forget, you made it to the egg out of trillions. you were meant to be here amongst us and you are living the dream of someone else.


Who are you and what did you do to Corrambo?
buranın sahibinin var ya ta amına goyum (en sonda sascha geliyor)
02.03.2025 во Ukraine vs USA
Ukraine (with billions of dollars and military equipment from USA and NATO) vs (incompetent) Russia resulted in a stalemate.

USA would blitz through Ukraine until it reached the Pacific ocean in Vladivostok.
The crazy thing is, my suspicions were confirmed. It sure seems like Zelensky wants to keep fighting as much as Putin does.
Напишано од AlBoZzZ, 01.03.2025 at 18:04

01.03.2025 во My official goodbye
Good luck in ur adventures fren remember what u learned from atwar
For LW:
How about we dont change whats good about this strat, but make other parts of it weaker, how about keep all range and transports capacity the same, but make infantry and tanks +10 cost, my rationale behind this is to keep whats awesome about the strat awesome, and make the player think twice before making any rash moves with it. If anyone got a better idea quote me.
01.03.2025 во My official goodbye
Sad to see you go, it was awesome playing together!!! thanks for all the good memories and wins.

This goes to show that we should always look after one another, no one knows what battles the other person is fighting.

With that being said, i want to share a picture with everyone. This picture is called "The Day Earth Smiled" and its the first picture we took of earth. When we sent a satellite in our solar system one of the biggest philosophers ( i forgot his name and i aint googling, you can do that yourself) said "when the space craft reaches saturn lets turn the camera around and take a picture of earth".

As you can see, reality is much bigger than our planet, much bigger than our dreams, much bigger than our happiness, worrying, concerns, and ourselves. So every time anyone feels sad or down, just look at this picture and youll realize none of it matters and none of it is as big or as serious as we may feel it is. So just enjoy life - Most of people who could be born will never be born. Dont forget, you made it to the egg out of trillions. you were meant to be here amongst us and you are living the dream of someone else.

Напишано од Dave, 01.03.2025 at 12:29

After yesterday's meeting between Trump and Zelenskyy... I think we'll be changing "Ukraine" to "Russia: Ukraine" soon

01.03.2025 во Casual Saturdays
Casual Saturday #29 - The Imperial's GoT Remastered
15k, 2 alliances - 40 Players
After yesterday's meeting between Trump and Zelenskyy... I think we'll be changing "Ukraine" to "Russia: Ukraine" soon
01.03.2025 во Ukraine vs USA
Напишано од Tribune Aquila, 01.03.2025 at 00:46

Ukraine vs Russia resulted in a stalemate.

How do you think Ukraine will hold up if the USA attacks them from the western side?

Do you think they can maintain the stalemate in their eastern provinces while holding off USA?

yes dear, cossacks op
01.03.2025 во When we say goodbye
Dave stop being homosexual and unban cunts
Напишано од Sascha, 28.02.2025 at 12:08

This topic will be used to keep track of any strategy changes. Feel free to suggest potential nerfs or buffs here.

On 28.02.2025

  • +2hp changed to +1hp

Logistic Wizard
  • +1 Defence bonus in own city removed

The relationship between price and capacity of air transport with LW is ridiculous, as is the defense of these transports, the damned ones never die, I have lost countless games just because a plane was left alive in an attacked city!
Напишано од GREAT_ALGERIA123, 01.03.2025 at 04:33

"سوف يتم انشاء تحالف جديد قريبا يدعى ب"⚔ االهيمنة العربية

والعرب فقط من يمكنهم الانضمام

Напишано од Haitham Qarid, 28.02.2025 at 14:19


"سوف يتم انشاء تحالف جديد قريبا يدعى ب"⚔ االهيمنة العربية

والعرب فقط من يمكنهم الانضمام
01.03.2025 во Ukraine vs USA
Ukraine vs Russia resulted in a stalemate.

How do you think Ukraine will hold up if the USA attacks them from the western side?

Do you think they can maintain the stalemate in their eastern provinces while holding off USA?
You weren't toxic at all, you just scratched the surface of what is truly possible. If you expand your horizons, maybe one day you can be toxic

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