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07.10.2011 - 10:58
Yeah here're some simple questions, which I hope the mods, or the admins can answer me (or us, if some others wanna know this).

1. Anyone can show me a list of active moderators?
(let us set a definition for "active", say, appear to be online within 7 days)
Reason: We need active mods for asking questions, maintaining the game running free of trolls etc. No matter wt reasons some mods are inactive, we dun mind, but we need to know who are present NOW.

2. Available time (+timezone) of the active mods?
Reason: We know in the time when we get some trouble, we know if we get any mods around us and we know who they are, after reporting in the ..system chat?

3. What are the criteria to become a mod?
Reason: Curiosity. And to provide some firm base to support how the current mods are chosen, coz I think the criteria will be fair enough for normal players to accept.

4. What are the rights offered to the mods? Or what can they do apart from being a normal AW player?
Reason: Let us know more about a mod certainly reduces the chance of mods being attacked by trollers,
as one of the reasons: "we dunno into wt degree they can do to us, hurray~"
And in return, we normal players can judge better on the works done by the mods, to c if they are really fair enough and doing the right thing, rather than over-use of their rights.

Thx in advance for the answers provided.:)
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07.10.2011 - 11:52
Thank you for the inquiry philipo.

1.Anyone can show me a list of active moderators?

Sificvoid, Guest14502, Pinheiro, Caulerpa, takeanap_oleon and Hugosch and sinecure has recently become active after an extended vacation.

2.Available time (+timezone) of the active mods?

Sificvoid, Guest14502, Pinheiro & sinecure are in USA/South America timezomes and you can usually expect at least one of them to be active during the day, everyday.
Caulerpa, takeanap_oleon and Hugosch are Euro timezones and I am not too sure as to their availability but I see them usually everyday.

3.What are the criteria to become a mod?

Mods are chosen simply by monitoring players' behavior in game and on forums. Players that are cooperative with the current mods, generally helpful to other players and conduct themselves in a mature manner can be selected as mods. We usually never respond to someone that requests to be a mod as the types of players we are looking for are those that would never expect the offer.

4.What are the rights offered to the mods? Or what can they do apart from being a normal AW player?

As far as playing the game, mods are offered no additional features over normal players. The additional features that mods are offered are for the purposes of monitoring players and dealing with troublesome players. Mods have access to a mod chat channel, where we discuss all of our decisions and coordinate efforts and information. We also have a control panel which gives an overview of all players online, where they are, if they are currently muted, on which channels, and for how long. This panel is also used to administer disciplinary action, if required. We also have a mod forum which serves the same purpose of the mod chat channel, with the inclusion of admin.

As far as disciplinary action goes it is important to note that warnings are not required before action is taken. Warnings are a polite courtesy that the mod will benefit to the player in the event of a minor rules infraction. Disciplinary action starts with a 60 minute mute and is then escalated as the mods deem appropriate for repeat offenders. Mods can administer up to 30 day (rare cases) mutes and/or bans for particularly troublesome players. Anything after that requires admin (Amok & Ivan) approval. Please note that cheating and/or exploiting is not considered a minor rules infraction.

In conclusion, I just want to say that being a mod is not a light undertaking. It demands a lot of time, dedication to the game, patience and adjudication. Many times a new mod will say "why did I do this?" or "man, I have no time to play now". These are the sacrifices that we, as mods, make to enhance the experience of every player playing this game. Our main goal is simply to have an environment where all players can simply enjoy the game.
07.10.2011 - 14:56
To be honest I believe you guys are baby sitters... Yes, i said this before and it seems silly but, it's true.
07.10.2011 - 15:04
I think that almost anytime is at least 1 mod in-game, so it's not hard to reach them.
07.10.2011 - 20:35
Thx sificvoid.

Since some big things happened a few days ago, I think it's better to make a clear image of a mod such that the there will be less suspecting opinions about how mods do their work.

I wish in the future the mods can open a post to report wt they hv done (say, a major ban, or a major punishment, or some changes in policy with Ivan and Amok etc),
coz most of the time I c the mods' work are in the "arguing post" held by fruit or aristosseur or whoever, where we only c the mods claiming their action like in a debate.
While we can only guess wts happened by our mind, but not a total truth enclosed by mods or admin officially.

Thx again anyway, and my curiosity is fulfilled.;D

@Caulerpa maybe but not that true to me.
In my best time (and most active) time of playing in daytime , I dun c a mod so often.

In the morning when I check the forum like now be4 work, I c Pin most of the time.
In the v.late time for me be4 I go to bed, I c sificvoid, u, hugo(sometimes)
But in the afternoon for me, Europe guys are likely at school/office, and US guys are likely on bed.
Of coz that's not only some vacancy for mods, but also vacancy for players too.
No one's playing game at that time.
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