30.09.2012 - 05:11
I learned this from watching Avatar and Skenderbeu First Create a large map with many players. Leave the game options as allow joining until turn 99. At turn 20 or later late join and spam late joiner units until you win. I got hit with this and after 3 hours of gameplay got little SP. Skenderbeu got 3,000 SP for just half an hour of work. Not sure if this is the only way to get to rank 10 but it looks like it is. The only caveat is that you need about 5 people to pull this off. We were finally going to win again avatar and sken even with their late joining, but then a bunch more level 10's joined. I think there was 7 of them at some point. If anyone is interested in doing this drop me a message.
30.09.2012 - 09:17
Latejoin is not so easy, especially at week 20 when the players have a huge territorial extension. Congratulations to avatar and Skenderbeu EDIT: [pr] avatar: i cant post in forum pls write ther that i dont got sp from that game Latejoin more than 1 time is 100% legal, the default settings allow rejoin
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30.09.2012 - 09:21
This is not what we call SP Farming, it is "normal" late joining, so it is allowed. If this is a way you like to play depends on you, some player like latejoining, others hate latejoiner.
He does not mean latejoining once, which can be very challenging, it is about latejoining again and again every 2 turns everytime with new 15-50k to spend on Units, destroying as much as possible, leave and do it again, and not alone but in a Team of 2 or more...
AlexMeza Корисникот е избришан |
30.09.2012 - 15:02 AlexMeza Корисникот е избришан
Yeah, it is not farming. If you have a big land, it won't be hard to handle latejoiners..Just leave some small neutral countries (like slovenia, slovakia, etc), then when you see a "Someone connected" message, take them, they will pick near you for sure. You kill his general so you get some sp and they can't use the reinf. That's what I do at 2min world games
02.10.2012 - 06:50
1.I dont earn sp from that game,i leave game before end. 2.Dont blame me for sp farming methods,i dont farm sp i dont even need sp after i got all upgrades,if you see me to farm sp make ss and report me to mods. 3.I latejoin games only 1,but this was reason to latejoin 3 times you are game http://imgur.com/TapWb,OTCQf heheh this is my 500post in forum yupi
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