LDK Корисникот е избришан |
22.06.2012 - 14:56 LDK Корисникот е избришан
Me and V-dog115 were commentating this match. For those that were not here, here are the highlights. WBL Line-Up - Winners -Tophats - Italy -Stomach Ulcers - Germany -Brandreas - Ukraine BM! Line-Up -Hugosch - Turkey -Konstantin Pats - UK -Bargain - Russia Central The Game started off with Konstantin having one of the worst starts as uk in Afterwind History. SU superbly without being wf'd ,he walled up Belgium and Netherlands (which belonged to Konstantin) but Paris was walled by konstantin but was not invaded first turn. Meanwhile Hugosch too most of the balkans but Tophats took Serbia which proved helpful when in week 3. Bargain had a unlucky start with Russia Central when only taking Russia Volga and south and missed out with Russia North which gave Brandreas the advantage to take Bargain's cap in the next weeks. But around this time Hugosch had invaded Kiev and Brandreas 2 times attempts had failed. With Bargain also eliminated at this stage of time. With Konstantin failing, and Tophats and SU gaining land pressuring Konst, it looked like Konst was done for. But out of nowhere Konst took Spain and walled up France (which was over taken by Tophats) and leaving Rome open for Hugosch to sneak in and cap Rome, while Konst was capped by Stomach Ulcers. As tophats couldn't take it back, out of nowhere Stomach Ulcers took over Rome from Hugosch and forced him back to turkey where His Empire had Surrendered. "Its Done" - Hugosch. Pretty much sums it up. Official Man of the CW - Brandreas. Match Rating 9/10- Very Tense Game. But the Best Side Won. Interviews - Done by me and V-dog115 Hugosch [pr] LDK: ~Hugosch: What did you think of Konstantins First turn expansion? [pr] ~Hugosch: It was a good move, but maybe too much expected [pr] LDK: ~Hugosch: Hmm did you think him not taking Paris first turn made Bite Me lose this cw? [pr] ~Hugosch: No [pr] LDK: ~Hugosch: What resulted in you losing this cw then? [pr] ~Hugosch: A lose in Russia Central, made bargain weak in up north, Brandreas had too much power [pr] ~Hugosch: so, it cost us too much to take him down, i was busy with that, while i should have paid more attention to Tophats in Italy [pr] LDK: ~Hugosch: One last question. [pr] LDK: ~Hugosch: Do you see a future for Bite Me! ? And if so, what kind of future? [pr] ~Hugosch: ofc ...we are trying to get back to our old state (back in the times we were #1) ...it takes some time, and we might lose a few more ...but I'm sure we can get there [pr] LDK: ~Hugosch: Thanks for your Time [pr] ~Hugosch: Np ![]() Tophats [pr] LDK: TopHats.: Why did you choose to go Italy? [pr] TopHats.: In order to stall a possible faceroll from Hugo. i knew stomach would do well in the west and Brandreas who was in Ukraine needed someone to distract turkey [pr] TopHats.: also preventing hugo from getting money. ( italy money pit) [pr] LDK: TopHats.: Some say that Brandreas was the Man of the Match of this CW [pr] LDK: TopHats.: Do you agree? [pr] TopHats.: definitely. he managed to interrupt a possible 2 player east europe control, which is the most powerful team duo in europe+ matches [pr] TopHats.: for his rank he is an impressive player and should be a person to watch out for in the future [pr] LDK: TopHats.: What do you think of this new future for WBL? [pr] TopHats.: With new set of high ranks in the coalition, experience and the veterans who really make up the coalition's history, I'm very excited to see what WBL will become in the future. Since we have so [pr] TopHats.: much experience to bestow upon our new young talents. [pr] LDK: TopHats.: Do you see yourselves up there with Dalmati Byzantia and Bite Me in the future? [pr] TopHats.: Most certainly, we have the players to back it up and great leadership within the coalition. So far since the fred and elite squad intergration, we are currently undefeated. [pr] LDK: TopHats.: That's all mate. Thanks for your time ![]() [pr] TopHats.: no problem. thanks for your time ![]() Konstantin Pats [pr] V-dog115: Konstantin Pats: So, what was your strategy from the beginning, with your interesting oppening? [pr] Konstantin Pats: it was GW, it's. With as little money as you have left with uk/10, it's always gw for me [pr] V-dog115: Konstantin Pats: Is there a particular reason you didn't go for France first turn? [pr] Konstantin Pats: Well, i was afraid to lose my units. With Tophats being Italy and all, they both could have taken france [pr] V-dog115: Konstantin Pats: mmm, Ill have to agree with you there, was there any reason bargain chose Central, considering its weak position against Ukraine? [pr] Konstantin Pats: well, our first choise would have been ukraine as well, but seeing they took it, the choise was either Germany or Russia and bargain figured we could then control the East [pr] V-dog115: Konstantin Pats: Mmm, so why did you decide to Uk, was it your best country or did you think it was a good counter to Germany. [pr] Konstantin Pats: We needed someone in the west and since Germany, which I initially considered, was taken, had to quickly choose between Spain and UK and since Uk has higher income, I chose that. Also it was to leave spain open to hope that TopHats would expand there and leave balkans to Hugo. Stomach Ulcers [pr] V-dog115: Stomach Ulcers: So, Stomach what was your strategy from the beginning? did you have any team tactics [pr] Stomach Ulcers: brandreas was originally going to go volga to stop a ukraine player on their side but he ended up getting it himself, i had last pick so IF germany was just a last second choice that turn. [pr] V-dog115: Stomach Ulcers: Tophats choice of Italy was interesting what was your reason for that?? [pr] Stomach Ulcers: to slow turkey's expansion west I'd assume. It worked pretty swimmingly I think, even if i had to hold rome for him towards the end. [pr] V-dog115: Stomach Ulcers: Did you see Konstantin as a threat , from an attack behind or did you struggle? [pr] Stomach Ulcers: I was scared at first, but when i walled amsterdam and brussels i knew he would be struggling for the rest of the game, and i was right, i barely had to focus on him. [pr] V-dog115: Stomach Ulcers: Mmm ok, and who would you say was your biggest threat at the beginning? [pr] Stomach Ulcers: Well everyone was equally scary, but hugo was the MVP in that match for bm, especially once he eliminated brandreas. [pr] V-dog115: Stomach Ulcers: So did you see Brandeas as the play maker in this match, he barely plays no? [pr] Stomach Ulcers: He's great for his rank, i knew he'd do well enough. He took someone with him as he died and that was very valuable [pr] V-dog115: Stomach Ulcers: Would you say he won for you? Do you think you would've been able to win without him? [pr] Stomach Ulcers: I'd say every member of the team won it for us, there were many, many close calls and i'd say every one of us handled them as well as they could be. Thats all. Stick around for more CW' Reports. V-dog will be doing a Forum Thread for joining up for the "CW Report Team". If you want to apply for it, then ask me or him. Thanks ![]()
22.06.2012 - 16:27
Wow ... never thought my game would have such an impact. Well, i was lucky this time, the next games will show. : )
22.06.2012 - 16:45
I actually really enjoyed reading this.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
22.06.2012 - 16:54
Good work LDK and v-dog. I really like people like you.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
22.06.2012 - 18:52
This was great! :-)
---- "A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength; for waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers." Proverbs 24:5-6
22.06.2012 - 19:36
Hehhe, nice report guys ![]()
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
22.06.2012 - 20:55
Wohoo! It's a success
---- The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading. ![]()
LDK Корисникот е избришан |
23.06.2012 - 02:18 LDK Корисникот е избришан
Thanks for the comments guys ![]() I told this to tophats i think who asked me why i was doing this I dont have a clan to run and im rather bored :D So this is my new job and Vdog (A Brit like me and brits are great Journalists :D) Wants to do this too so more CW Reports to come ![]()
25.06.2012 - 09:19
Very nice guys! I hope you can keep up the good job ![]() I'm just moving it to the CWs section.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
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