05.02.2018 - 05:18
My idea is: If an enemy tries to wallfuck on your land t1, it wont be registered, because its YOUR land. (defined by the area your color covers) (starting country) If your enemy tries to wall on your land turn 1, it wont go into walling formation. If you wall on neutral land t1, and the enemy places a wf unit it will register because its on neutral land. This would solve a lot of problem in scenario maps, rp, aswell as competative from time to time. And it would stop t1 rogues and trollers, which people dont like.
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05.02.2018 - 07:19
Support. Or, maybe developers can managed to have enemy countries considered "no-go" zones, just for turn 1? When we use the mapmaker, we can identify countries as "no-go" zones. Not sure if this attribute is "readable" during games, or if it's just to generate the map, but if it is available in game, it might be an easy solution to implement.
06.02.2018 - 21:34
Franz, you have a serious misconception with regard to the fucking of walls. This proposal is completely unfounded; first of all, turn 1 wall fucking is a key component of so many games. We need this, this is the foundation that every game is built, this is something that I've grown so accustomed to, something that we all cannot go without. Turn 1 wall fucking adds additional morale and spirit to the game that promotes the game. Not only is t1 wall fucking economically favorable for AtWar as a whole, but if removed, people will leave in hordes and there is nothing we can do. Sorry, Franz. I just don't think that this is a good idea. Downvote.
07.02.2018 - 14:43
The fact is the majority of players hate this, and only noobs do it. But the idea was mainly to prevent wallfucks in scenarios where it is a huge problem.
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09.02.2018 - 20:57
Not exactly against your idea, but how would you reccomend walling austria?
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10.02.2018 - 08:31
Austria might be hard to wall turn 1 but it is not impossible. ![]() ![]() Although places like Slovakia again would be a problem. But how often do you see a player pick Slovakia? So it wouldn't hurt anyone if they were to add this feature. Because 99% of time people will benefit from it.
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