09.08.2021 - 07:37
New Game Starting Now Pax Romanus V https://atwar-game.com/games/?link=7117526193 1. Game Enhancements: As promised, here is an all new Pax Romanus game. There are no changes to the game itself. Please read and adhere to the game protocols as listed below in section #3. 2. Settings: • The maximum number of players is twenty. (20) • The maximum number of allies is four. (4) • Starting funds are $50,000. • The length of the game is 200 turns. 3. Game Protocols: • Do not move units outside of your home country on turn one (1) • Do not leave a game by timing-out. If you have lost the game, surrender. • Take your turn in a timely manner. 4. Player's Invitation List: On a go-forward basis, the Player's Invitation List will be managed as follows: Players will be added to the Player's Invitation List if they: • join a coalition sponsored game • join the coalition • request to be added. Players will be removed from the Player's Invitation List if they: • do not join coalition sponsored games • are inactive in atWar for more than 5 days. • request to be removed. • are on the ban list. Good luck to all... Commodus, Founding Leader, Niki
---- https://atwar-game.com/user/539231/signature.png
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