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09.05.2016 - 13:48
I've been playing as Japan in World Map 50k and when I face off with a player that selects "China: South" I always get defeated. What are the some strategies to Win Against China: South when playing as Japan.
Im rank 5, I use Blitzkrieg Strategy.
09.05.2016 - 13:51
If it is world 50k go naval commander with japan. spam destroyers and take south korea and shanghai and then move to taiwan. Then rush his capital turn 4 with 100 destroyers and end him rightly.
09.05.2016 - 13:56
Yeah no, lol. No wonder you get pawned if you use blitz. Use Naval Commander. Destroyers are OP (11 attack, 9 defence, ~13 range) and China South's capital is on the sea. Snipe it with the destroyers and with non-nerfed infantry in 20 capacity (provided you have the +5 capacity to trans upgrade) Naval Transports.
Another option is Sky Menace, which is also a long ranged strategy like Blitzkrieg, but doesn't sacrifice on defence. Perfect Defence can be used pretty much anywhere. Hell use Relentless Attack if you want to, just don't use Blitzkrieg. Not only is there a -1 defence nerf, on top of that, Infantry especially have another -1 defence nerf while in cities.
If you were premium I'd suggest Desert Storm or Great Combinator.

09.05.2016 - 13:58
09.05.2016 - 14:08
Напишано од Darth., 09.05.2016 at 13:56

If you were premium I'd suggest Desert Storm or Great Combinator.

Desert storm and GC japan is bad in world 50k.

Desert storm is too slow to expand quickly enough to kill south china.

GC is not fully utilizing the 50k starting money and is inferior to something like sm or blitz which uses the starting cash to max
expand. Gc can work, but so can something like PD. Both are subpar given how much starting money there is.
09.05.2016 - 16:18
Use some chain transport tricks so you can take China North in Turn 1 (30 infantries is a good amount). Also take China Northeast and both Korea, along with some cities. After that you can simply spam tanks at him assuming that you got the upper reinforcements advantage, and Japan is quite hard to attack compared to China South.

Going Shangai on Turn 1 is a bad idea as the country is made with infantries and it's a mean target. I'd rather wall it and send a big army of tanks in Turn 2.

The key to win high funds games is to get more reinforcements than your opponent.
09.05.2016 - 21:53
Напишано од ROYAL, 09.05.2016 at 14:08

Напишано од Darth., 09.05.2016 at 13:56

If you were premium I'd suggest Desert Storm or Great Combinator.

Desert storm and GC japan is bad in world 50k.

Desert storm is too slow to expand quickly enough to kill south china.

GC is not fully utilizing the 50k starting money and is inferior to something like sm or blitz which uses the starting cash to max
expand. Gc can work, but so can something like PD. Both are subpar given how much starting money there is.

Huh. Okay.
Cuz I've used both DS and GC as Japan and done pretty well back when I used to still play World 50k. Maybe they were just narbs and I didn't realise.
Never thought I'd see the day PD was called subpar

10.05.2016 - 11:33
Just rush koreas if you china to kill japan if you japan again rush koreas then try to take as many neutrals as you can to outnumber him.Dont try defending with blitz.
10.05.2016 - 12:55
Don't try anything with blitz until you're about Rank 8 or 9 and you have most of the upgrades. The 12k SP cost is not worth it at lower ranks.

12.05.2016 - 06:30
Dont listen to these europe fags.If you go NC you might kill China but late game you will be too weak.Go SM instead take upper china full and wall koreas.If china doesnt rush them take them turn 2.Then try outnumber him.
12.05.2016 - 12:44
Напишано од Nations, 12.05.2016 at 06:30

Dont listen to these europe fags.If you go NC you might kill China but late game you will be too weak.Go SM instead take upper china full and wall koreas.If china doesnt rush them take them turn 2.Then try outnumber him.

Europe fag? Duel me any map.
12.05.2016 - 13:13
Напишано од ROYAL, 12.05.2016 at 12:44

Напишано од Nations, 12.05.2016 at 06:30

Dont listen to these europe fags.If you go NC you might kill China but late game you will be too weak.Go SM instead take upper china full and wall koreas.If china doesnt rush them take them turn 2.Then try outnumber him.

Europe fag? Duel me any map.

Any map any funds?
12.05.2016 - 13:20
Напишано од Nations, 12.05.2016 at 13:13

Напишано од ROYAL, 12.05.2016 at 12:44

Напишано од Nations, 12.05.2016 at 06:30

Dont listen to these europe fags.If you go NC you might kill China but late game you will be too weak.Go SM instead take upper china full and wall koreas.If china doesnt rush them take them turn 2.Then try outnumber him.

Europe fag? Duel me any map.

Any map any funds?

No more than 10k 5k 3k I dont want to turn it into a game of who can pick the highest reinf country and rush with sm bombers with 50k funds
12.05.2016 - 13:28
Напишано од ROYAL, 12.05.2016 at 13:20

Напишано од Nations, 12.05.2016 at 13:13

Напишано од ROYAL, 12.05.2016 at 12:44

Напишано од Nations, 12.05.2016 at 06:30

Dont listen to these europe fags.If you go NC you might kill China but late game you will be too weak.Go SM instead take upper china full and wall koreas.If china doesnt rush them take them turn 2.Then try outnumber him.

Europe fag? Duel me any map.

Any map any funds?

No more than 10k 5k 3k I dont want to turn it into a game of who can pick the highest reinf country and rush with sm bombers with 50k funds

so you say that in 10k if i pick UK and you pick lux you will win?
29.05.2016 - 16:41
Japan should ALWAYS rush Korea, Northeast and Southeast China.

Beating anyone early on is trying to get as many cities as possible that are close to your capital, so even if your capital is taken, you can take it back from other cities easily. Actually don't pay too much attention towards your capital in early game. Just take strong reinforcement cities close by and try to outnumber your direct neightbour quick.

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