31.10.2024 - 16:32 ![]() Hi, as many people know, Belligerent is dead. I was part of Belli since 2022, when the clan first started (with a short time at EC, when Belli was inactive at the end of 2023) Until 2 weeks ago, I decided to make a tribute due to how important Belli was for me, and how many friends I did at my time there. Many of you may consider Belligerent as that clan that gave away "free elo" and while this was the clase during the last 2 seasons, before 2024 this was far from being the case. I mean, we all know about that season that only had 3 cws, but, what led to this? Well most likely the lack of an incentive to cw, since no trophies were given. But, let's revert back to the first season that no trophies were given. ![]() ![]() ![]() I mean, to be fair, we were stacked, considering we had Khau and Dopey who carried us, while most of the comp scene was dead. Truth be told, there was a point were we had in our coalition (AT THE SAME TIME): Khauman, Dopey, Turtleisback (chadstudent 2), Sid, Sascha, Panda, Lev, Zappa, Niels, Me. We were by far carrying comp in terms of activity and, we were also winning a lot. However, this was in vain since we had no trophy to show for it, which was depressing. However, We had also reached an agreement: We were far too stacked. That's why, on the 2nd of January, we made a mutual agreement: We were spliting, for the greater good of the game. Zappa, Dopey, and Khauman created their own clan: Runaways. I was precisely not happy at this due to the many memories i had about all the people and friends i had at Belli, but I knew it was for the greater good of the game. Their name was "runaways" because they ran away from Belligerent (not funny ik) [link]https://atwar-game.com/cln/cln.php?cln_id=1205[/link] Here you can see something interesting, 1200 regular elo but no trophy. No trophies were given at this time. However, little did we know this would start a huge downfall for Belli, since our best players were gone. However, this effect wouldn't be really seen until the start of last season, when the scene was starting to revive, and players like me were coming back. And, to be fair, we were quite shit. But we were having fun. However, I faced a problem: most people in Belli played during EU hours, so I tried recluting people that played during American hours. And, this was my great mistake. You see, I'm not the best player, I think that is knowned at this point. But, The people that came in were not the best either: Ise, IHY and Windafterbeans (L.U.K.E.). we nuked Belli's elo, unintentionally. This lead to Panda deleting, since it was his 3rd clan that had the elo nuked. I felt very sad due to this, since I knew panda since 2020, and he was one of the nicest persons I've ever met. Sure, people bullying him due to the Israel-Palestine conflict did affect him. But I also felt kinda guilty. And, it's no coincidence he deleted straight after Zappa lost a lategame. But also the bullying he suffered from the likes to Temp probably affected him a lot. He is in no way responsible for the Gaza conflict. Well, now I will upload the best photos I have from Belli members interacting, or just straight up memes and great memories we had. For context, this are the current names of the people shown in the photos: Permawest, Fix Your servers: Panda WestPlz: Lev Mitski, Chammal, Permaeast: Khauman Argentina: Palmitas Popeye: Dopey ![]() ![]() This one from when Croat removed 40 elo from IHY for absolutely no fucking reason right before the season ended. IHY was so pissed at that moment but nowadays we just laugh about this. ![]() ![]() This is one from the day Belligerent splitted. ![]() ![]() This meme nowadays applies to Niels, no longer to Lev. ![]() ![]() ![]() Classic WD, and what we call here in Argentina "un montón" from Turtle. ![]() ![]() This one is a classic. ![]() ![]() Imagine how much we dominated that this was sarcasm from Lev. ![]() You can tell Atwar was dead at this point. ![]() Belligerent, rest in peace, and thank you for the memories. I was a rank 9 and clanless since no one wanted me when I joined Belli, and i've learnt a lot from amazing people. 12th of may, 2022 - 20th of October, 2024.
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01.11.2024 - 18:56
Bro nuked the clans elo and made panda mad to the point where he deleted his account and he puts the blame on me XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXA talk about rent free.
01.11.2024 - 20:46
When did I put the blame on you?
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01.11.2024 - 21:14
"Sure, people bullying him due to the Israel-Palestine conflict did affect him. But I also felt kinda guilty. And, it's no coincidence he deleted straight after Zappa lost a lategame. But also the bullying he suffered from the likes to Temp probably affected him a lot. He is in no way responsible for the Gaza conflict." Imagine gaslighting yourself so badly and coping with the fact that you made Panda delete his account that you had to write an apology to him, yet still blame me for your own mistakes. Grow up.
01.11.2024 - 21:19
xa i forgot i even mentioned u on this. 1- telling me to grow up is crazy considering who u are 2- "But I also felt kinda guilty. And, it's no coincidence he deleted straight after Zappa lost a lategame." I did have some in the deletion, but it's not entirely on me you dumbass.
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02.11.2024 - 15:14
It's truly heartbreaking to see Belli die this way. it was great clan and will definitely be something we'll always remember, and panda deleting his acc was quite a shock to me. I don't think the losses u guys did would be a strong enough reason to delete the acc, i suspect that the bullying he received might have been a significant reason, although even that isnt a strong enough reason on its own, but with repeated bullying, it can become annoying, i hope he'll reconsider his decision, hes a really kind man will be missed a lot. RIP Panda
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