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09.02.2011 - 12:24
The idea is quite simple, a addition to game settings. Modifiers will play the simple role of changing game-play without changing the game mode, I guess the best way to explain is to give examples. When the game's operator creates the match, he can tick the options. They should be shown when selecting games. As I may mention, this will apply to everyone who plays in the game.

Double range/Increased Range :

This is quite simple, all units ranges are increased. This is not like the blitzkrieg strategy, this increases for everyone in the game. The purpose is to create faster paced variants of current games. The attack and defence becomes more rapid, and attacking the capital become easier. In theory this will shorten matches, I find this very useful as I sometimes don't have enough time for a full match.

Decreased view range :

This option decreases the view of all troops, players no longer have as much of an idea of their competitors. This creates a game of surprise and recon. This should add more tension to the game, with little idea of what the enemy plans next. Although, I think stealth detection should stay the same, else it would become almost useless.

Increased funds:

Explained simply in the title, the earnings from cities is increased. This should create bigger, more diverse armies. Faster expansion early on, and more rapid game-play.

Double reinforcements:

Similar to Increased funds in what it adds to game-play. Probably good when coupled with high starting funds.

Divided Countries:

I'm not too sure about this one. Basicly, it converts all cities into acting like their own countries. Earnings are not decreased if the capital is not owned, and units can still be built. Although whole country bonuses still apply. This should stop countries just storming capitals and leaving the rest.

Well, that is all I can think of currently, but I would like your thoughts on the idea. Oh, and they shouldn't be able to be changed half way through a game.
09.02.2011 - 16:17
I like the idea that you can pick "modifiers".

I don't really have much else to say, apart from double reinforcements modifier or just simple "sliders". Slider would be able to move all the way to the left (50%) till all the way to the right (200%).

There can be a slider for movement range, reinforcements, city income etc.

But I also support the original idea. This is just a mere addition that might be awesome to have if you want to be fully tweak games.

I wonder though, what should this do with SP? No SP at all, half of SP or just the original SP? Or perhaps decreased SP if you put it on fast and increased SP if you put it on slow.
01.07.2011 - 15:31
Yes it would be good to make games more diverse and different, I try myself to have settings on 2 countries or instant joining in Europe to make it more interesting.
Won't be able to play Afterwind for a while
19.01.2015 - 12:42
BUMP This would be a little fun ^_^
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
19.01.2015 - 14:35
Hm.... I mainly like the shorter view range option, not so sure about the rest (for more reinforcements, income and cities, you already have RP )
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

19.01.2015 - 14:42
I know this is years old, but I agree with phoenix and everyone else in this thread. This would be a really great addition and could make things interesting. Only thing is some of these could affect the balance of the game.
20.01.2015 - 03:11
Variability of gameplay contributes significantly towards the replayability of that game.

Support. This I like.

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