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Објавено од Meester, 14.08.2015 - 23:12

A simple contest to liven things up. Since we have so many amazing story tellers I decided to hold an AW story contest. The rules are simple your story must be published in this thread and MUST be about your AW experience.

If you have a feud with a player this is not the place to call them out or write about them!

All participants get this awesome trophy:


Contest is over. Lots of great stories leading to 43 players having the sexy trophy.
31.08.2015 - 13:44
Long ago I used to live a bored life, then my cousin came to meet me and suggested me this awesome game. I lived as a nub till R4, then I 1v1ed hdrakon and he said I had potential and he would help me play this game more better and then I became the most op R4-5-6 and everyone used to call me an alt, it felt a bit bad but a bit good too. I joined hdrakon in Royals. Due to some adverse circumstances everyone quit the clan, it felt bad but I had too bare it and joined evol. I played my first CW there vs Illyrification with Here(Wulfgang). It went very well and we won it. Then I left evoL due to some study problems which caused too much inactivity. Then I was back after an year or so. Then hdrakon came up with a new clan named The Mystics after sometime of getting out of the old one. We had a great team. Then we moved our name from The Mystics to Tachibana, tbh I didn't liked the new name but I got used to it. Then we had some problems and I got kicked. Then I met Google Chrome who invited me to SA and I am still there.
31.08.2015 - 16:38
My AW story begins a long time ago, back in year 2011. when it was still called Afterwind. Stumbled upon it while googling a strategy games like Risk i created an account called Adam something. Over the course of several months after that i made dozens of new accounts, mostly because reaching rank 4 and coming into the main lobby was a huge change in difficulty... and i usually forgot my pass because i didn't play as much.

Last account during that period of 2011. and beginning of 2012. was called Panzer and my last game with it was an epic Euroasia game, which i mostly played back then. I remember that game because i had one poor ally who played Kazahstan or some -stan country and at the end of the game he couldn't believe i saved our asses and he caps locked several times that he... loves me! xD After that i forgot about AW for a few months (because i had a fucking life Ivan and Amok!!!). In that time i remember meeting EAB.

When i came back of course i created once more another account... picked a name ORC and with it and changed my usual Euroasia gameplay to 1v1 Europe games. Since then duels were played by duel requests it was hard to make someone accept a duel proposal, but still i had like 50 duels played with around 30 wins. I remember Hdrakon from that time... talking to me on guest accounts since he was like perma banned.

After a "small" incident with players of certain nationality i decided to make a new account and that's how Goblin was created, with a random picking of fantasy monsters names. Immediately i started to play 1v1 games and searching for duels and by the time i reached rank 5 i had not a single lost game... that is until i meet Dbacks. Dbacks noticed i might be an alt, but i didn't consider my self one and my skills were based mostly on playing Tank general and rushing tactics. Dbacks started teaching me how to move units, use transports and to predict my opponents moves. Meet beartank back then too ...i fucking hated him. <3

By that time i considered joining a clan and among all the clans i looked at Stalin martians and United we stand. Dbacks tried to get me into SM... arranged a 1v1 fight for me with V-dog so i can prove my self. The game went well in my opinion, but waiting for two weeks i had no response from anyone from the martians. At that moment i recieved an invite from Devil ...to join United we stand. Proud moment for me to get noticed as a rank 6 or 7 cant remember, by a rank 11 that was a leader of a clan.

In United we stand unfortunately i only liked Devil, Cthulhu and Blargh... and once they went inactive i left the clan and after that i was invited into Stalin Martians by no other then the crazy fucking bonker2.

...i cut my story short... gtg ...will edit.
31.08.2015 - 21:13
Afterwind is fun
this haiku doesn't make sense
"Not all those who wander are lost."
01.09.2015 - 02:09
Корисникот е избришан
Once upon a time there was a man named Tigger. Anyways I was invited to play this game through a few friends from a clan we had on another game. At the time it was called Afterwind but soon enough it had changed to atWar, I was around rank 4 and we always made World Games and allied each other, every game almost went into 2 am which by that time we had won. I remember being Russia Central with my friend close by as Germany. Together we were unstoppable with another player in America or China. However after a few weeks maybe even months of playing we slowly stopped and probably just got bored of it. Anyways after a few months I was getting bored so I decided to come back and play AW, played a few Europe and World games and then delved into the community of 3v3s. I watched a few games, baring in mind I was still only rank 4. Suddenly a stranger had PM'd me and asked if I wanted to join a coalition called "The Path to Glory". Wow. Such an amazing name, how could I pass up this opportunity, I quickly answered "yes". I quickly learned that it was a training clan and that the leaders from Victorious Secret had owned this clan.

After a while this clan had disbanded and was shutdown. I was shortly sent a PM by Safari's alt account which contained sexual pictures of a woman asking me to join their new training clan called "Victorious Scholars", of course I had accepted. I had met a lot of people here, most notably Freeland and Funtime. Freeland was to be our trainers and Funtime was my close clan mate, who was rank 4 as well. We trained and trained, learning countries like UK and Germany. Oh and I almost forgot, a character by the name Al Pacino, he had showed me his SM Ukraine rush and also taught me a few tips and tricks, however he had sadly gone inactive. Nonetheless I used his SM Rush on many people and killed a lot of them, even Hdrakon but he might've let me win, who knows. By this time I was becoming a rank 5.

My first ever CW. Who would've known that it was against the mighty Stalins Martians, 1st place at the time. The CW started with Freeland myself and I believe it was sandtime (who had also quit). I was France and when the game had started a disaster had occured, I was the wrong strategy. The game probably lasted 5 turns... my first CW was a wreck. I remember it perfectly, Leaf was UK and Soul was Germany. When turn 3 had landed I was big walled and later capped. When the game had ended I was pr'd by Leaf "gg", these words had stuck to me forever.

Anyways we kept on training together and when I was about rank 6, Funtime and I started to find CWs for ourselves and win them. Freeland was begging to become inactive at this point too, so it was basically us in charge of the clan. We pretty much farmed other low rank clans, finding a random 3rd to start the CW and play for us. It would always be Funtime, a random person and I CWing other coalitions. By the end of the season we had came a whopping 2nd place, gaining a trophy for our clan, and I was rank 7 at this point and had changed by name to Stryko.

Time moved on and people began to become inactive whereas Freeland was starting to be active again. However he had decided to leave the Clan, so I decided to follow him into no other than Stalins Martians, but it wasn't easy. I was first transported all the way to mars, where SM had reigned. I lost all my memory and was transformed into a Martian, with the words I am a Martian, You are not. nah jokes, Firstly I was watched in my 1v1 against G.K, me Germany vs his Spain. I had won in France and by that time it was GG. But this wasn't enough for SM, I was told to 1v1 with Dbacks which I had lost, but was still invited for my pure awesomeness.

Life in SM was different, I was immediately told to download this IRC which I had no clue about, but in hindsight it is very useful. I started to read all their guides and threads in their forum, learning every expansion they had to give, which some I still use and pwn other people with. I was given tips by all members; Desu, Leaf, Dbacks, b0nker2 all of them. I started to CW for them and was given many helpful tips in /pr leading us to win many CWs. One day during a 3v3 I had mentioned in cln chat that I hated getting first picks and picking East, after that 3v3 I was told by no other than Desu and Dbacks that "Don't worry grasshopper, we will make you the best East player on this game". Time moved on and I was becoming stronger and stronger but it wasn't enough.

One day a great man called Kennisthemenace had joined as a rank 6 via the Adopt a Newb program, by b0nker himself. He ranked up very quickly actually and many of you might recognise the name Engenuity or Adiabatic. Yes, that is him. He had encouraged me to play 3v3s with him where we did SM vs All. We were becoming an unstoppable force. Due to the slavcode at the time, whoever had the best connection would pick first in a CW, so obviously I always had first pick and picked East, where my opponent would always get rekt and we would win the CWs. Many wins later, we had won the season at 1st place, gaining a beautiful trophy for 1st place of Autumn 2013, our second one altogether - which was unheard of back then in the good ole days.

Anyways I was becoming a rank 9 and ken was starting to go inactive, after being told by his once to be wife that he was spending too many hours on AW and he needed to stop. This was a sad time for everyone in SM as he was a very strong player, maybe even becoming stronger than me... RIP KennisTheMenace 2013-2014

My favourite CW infact included Ken and it was against Syndicate, our rival clan. The game consisted of Acquiesce UK, Desu Germany, Spart Spain, Ken France. In the East it was Stryko Ukraine and TOPHATS Turkey. Tophats was in his prime and was the #1 player on AW at the time, unmatched. However somehow, with my awesome skills, was able to kill his Turkey and help the West, where by this time Ken was double rushed by syndicate, with Spart capping Paris. Desu was hanging on to whatever he had in Germany while I was coming to save the day. I gathered my bombers to kill Acq in the north and helped Desu retake a few things, however he was getting rushed. I decided to recap Berlin and together we would kill them. Desu was jewing Spart everwhere, where I was stacking bombers into Lyon, scaring all their territories. Desu's jewings had paid off because soon enough he had captured Spart's capital madrid! So I decided to send a whopping 50 bombers into London, where they left in a GG. If you would like to relive the epic moment here you go young one: http://i.imgur.com/bQKeNtc.png

Many CW wins after, the slavmins changed the coding so that the best connex did not get first pick, which left me no other choice other than to learn how to own noobs in the West. I was becoming a top tier power player, nobody could stop me. I even recall a moment where I sniped the name "zizou", whom is considered a God by many people on this game. I shortly noticed the real zizou had changed his name back to zizoux and I started to feel bad, so I decided that I'd give it back when I see him online, he didn't talk much so whenever I tried to tell him I wanted to make sure he understood... eventually he got it back and he dared never to change it again.

During this time many n00bs from evol had joined us, namely Fockmeehard and The Taktician, who were to make a name for themselves in SM. stickhammer or Xenosapien/Xenoslut and Sultana Of Swing had also joined a few weeks after them. We all trained them to become very mighty players. But oh no, our recruitment did not stop, we had also invited 1godofwar1 and Tirpitz to our clan where they had gathered many skills as well. The original SM core players; Dbacks, Leaf and Desu started to become inactive but this did not bother us. After a few months more players started to become inactive and the few left tried to survive on anything we had... soon after Safari and Klevis were invited to join, who had left VS as they were tired of leading. We welcomed them with warm arms however after a few weeks not much had changed. b0nker2 had decided it was a perfect time to purge members to keep SM stable. This is how a clan stays alive for 3 years, kids. Anyways after Safari and Klevis and a few other members kicked, a fire had begun amongst a few SM members. Some people did not like the way these players were kicked and left the clan, to form no other than ENIGMA. SM was suffering inactivity like I hadn't seen it.

I remember at one point it was constantly just Bertank, Silverdrake and I playing CWs against other clans, things were looking bad. However a few members started to come back and offer their help, only to become inactive again... SM was looking dark, but we were powerful players and would not let this clan die.

After a few months of inactiveness and random people popping in to have a CW only to lose, we rose from the ashes. Players such as Tact, Xeno and Vdog came back. Heck we even got G.K, mantis(who sadly went inactive again), Gonzo and Nero, who are all becoming stronk players. SM was finally reviving after many losses. We got our original members back. A few weeks later even Dbacks is here, and to date SM is winning over many clans. Sure we are last place and #14 on the leaderboard, but this season SM will again have that 1st place of Autumn but this time it is 2015.

01.09.2015 - 07:20
I already had a story about how I joined SM and that included pretty much everything but I'll write here again with some more detail and attention to making a fun story to read

So, one day I was in school and was talking to a friend of mine (let's call him x). He had another friend (and let's call him y) whom I did not talk too much with. Y came to us to tell X that he found a cool online strategy game (obv Afterwind), which was interesting for them because they liked to play games like total war. Since I overheard the conversation and more people to play with is more fun, he told me I can join them as well. At the time I wasn't really into strategy games, mainly because I had never played one before. Y advertised the game to me by saying, you can pick any country you want and then your goal is to conquer the whole world. "You can even pick Turkey!". I was thinking like "wow, this guy.. ofc I can pick turkey, you said you can start as any country" lol. Anyway, that evening when we all went home we started playing. I learned then that another friend from our year, Z, played the game as well, from the Beta version (pepo24). Z was already rank 6 in the game. We played a private game in world map with just us (usually we were 3 or 4 or 5 people, because we tried to get more people into the game). This quickly became like a tradition, so we would go home start playing world game and miss dinner hue.

After some time, the original X, Y and Z players started to play less, but I wanted to get the same feeling of playing AW because I would always loose to them as they had more experience. I had never won a game and that was my drive to continue playing, I wanted to win some games and catch up to the rank 6 Z. During this time we had also gotten another player to start playing (A). A was also a bit more hooked into the game than others and started playing more world games and eu games like me. We still did all play together sometimes, but soon that pretty much stopped. A and I were still playing daily though. After A passed me in rank, at rank 4 he had joined a clan. I believe he had joined Art of War. One day he was even bragging that he was on the top of the 'SP earned today' list. A became rank 5 and I became rank 4. I then got to talk to him and asked him how his clan was. He said it was ok and that he learned a lot. I don't know if this is true, but he was saying he beat Fruit in a 1v1 (whom I didn't know but he had told me he was one of the best players). I didn't really believe him of course. But after hearing that and seeing him beat me in every single game we played annoyed me quite a lot. Why could I not get better and win as well? Then, I decided to join a clan. Initially I wanted to join the same clan as A was in, so Art of War. But, as usual I had found a Turkish clan and decided to apply there. I waited for days for an answer from them but nothing. I think they were just inactive. Then I started scouting for more clans. Around this time I also met Dbacks. We were both r4 and we started playing a lot together. Mostly it was team games in eu map or North America map. We were pretty much the same skill wise, sometimes he would have to save me and sometimes vice versa. So, I was continuing to look for clans to join. I went to the clans page and sorted the list by CP, which I thought indicated the best clan. The top of the list was Stalins Martians. I looked at the players in the clan and there were other low ranks so I thought I could get trained there. I wasn't too sure I wanted to apply though. Then I was in a game with b0nker2(he was r8 at the time), who had won the game and I was shocked how powerful he was. He was ukraine and I was turkey. I'm not sure if we had allied or not, but i know he had dominated in that FFA game. Then I thought i'd like to be in the same clan as this guy, he's very strong! So I looked at his clan and it was SM. He was even the founder!... coincidence? I think not :p. Then I asked him if he could let me in his clan. He told me to 1v1 him. He picked turkey I think and I picked France MoS (my favorite strategy at the time). He of course won but he thought I was ok and saw that I wanted to become better, so he let me in. The same day I saw that Dbacks was also in the clan... He had apparently joined like 2 days ago as well. again, coincidence? I think not : ). We started playing more with Dbacks and also met Vdog who was the same rank as us. The three of us started playing together and learned quite a lot about each other. No one was particularly better than the other. We were also the same age, so we kinda grew together. By this time X, Y, Z weren't playing almost at all and even A wasn't playing too much. After playing and becoming stronger (still noob tho) with dbacks and vdog, I was getting interested in CWs. I had watched several CWs when SM played. Around that time, when I was like rank 5, I had my first CW. I still always played MoS, so I had picked Turkey MoS as I had to chose first. There was someone in spain, I believe a r7 and he had taken italy first round and then just rip'ed me . We chatted a bit and he said he took italy because he knew otherwise I would take it. After that CW, someone in the clan started teaching me about strats and a but about basic gameplay. After that, basically I played a lot to get better, time just passed and I got better with dbacks and vdog. We were all r6. We had played some more CWs. We were feeling a part of the clan. Some things happened around this time like I got kicked because I had beaten b0nker by just TBing every single stack he had. He wasn't playing too serious at first cause he had taken italy. But anyway, b0nker got mad and kicked me because I didn't have 'real' skill. Moving on, I begged for the next 3,4 days to b0nker to let me back in. He kinda ignored me at first but then let me back in after a while. Then, just after while everyone in clan got kicked and the people I was friends with wanted to create a new clan with us (as we had developed a bond that was beyond just a clan mate). Luckily we got SM back with the help of the admins.

The rest of my memory is a bit bad because not much had happened, we were just playing. It took us a while to get the clan back together again but we managed it somehow. We were looking for some kind of guidance or somehow become good players ourselves. Some people left for other clans to learn a bit from them, which I found kind of stupid as people were just leaving and coming back with nothing new or not really teaching others what they had learned. I had never left the clan. This stopped after a while. b0nker realized his mistake and came back to the clan. We were slowly rising from the dead (anyone? no? ok). The three of us (vdog, dbacks and I) were also becoming pretty strong for our ranks. We were winning against some higher ranks in CWs. I was always getting 1st pick like Stryko said in his story and I was becoming pretty known for my east. At this time other new players had also joined. I don't wanna get too much into small details as I'm explain the main things very detailed.

Anyway, then Desu had joined with alt and then also he had joined himself. Others have quite stories about things from here on out. We all learned to play better with guidance, observing higher ranked games and playing with each other. I was a bit annoyed that dbacks and vdog were more all around players but I only could play east and not west. Around this time I started just skipping my 1st pick or just choosing west countries in 3v3's. I got more experience, and with tips from desu, leaf and others I learned to play west. Around that time Stryko had joined and took the spotlight of east player, so I was a bit annoyed and it took me a long time to admit that he was eventually better than me in east. Then I had forgotten about east and then just starting playing east and west. After a while, I preferred west game play though. By this time, both dbacks and vdog had out ranked me. Especially dbacks, when he played world games in the summer that I was in vacation. He became r9, vdog r8 and I was still r6, going to r7. Sorry but I don't remember too much detail about the rest until last year. Basically I was just playing and getting better.

After I reached r8 and got like 75% through it, I started playing less. I got to r9 though. I was only playing CWs at that point, and then just sometimes 3v3s with friends. Not like i was inactive but i was playing on average 1 game a day. More like 3 games per 3 days, or 2 games per 2 days. Time passed like this and then like a year ago, there was need for new mods. I am generally a very quite person if you don't know me (i do talk a lot in clan), so people didn't really know me personally (and probably still don't much) outside of the clan. So, desu had suggested me as we are a bit similar in thinking process while I was still active but not really playing too much. Others didn't really have a problem and I was invited to join the mod team along with deviL. I had started university as well, so my activity really went down starting last year. I am trying to play now and then while helping the mod team. I'm sure that one day I'll want to play AW every day again for a while. Timing is important

Anyway, I cut the last 2 years very short as everyone's most exciting story is usually the one where we try to find their place in this community. Those stories are the ones we remember with most detail (or at least me) The rest was just people coming and sometimes leaving your friend area. I mean there are a lot of small stories that I can tell but I just don't know when exactly they took place and also I would be very bored of writing and you would be bored of reading as well. If you have already read this much, thanks for being interested in my story enough to read the whole thing : )

Shout out to all my other friends whom I haven't mentioned in this post
I'm out this bitch.. I might edit to put some old SS's in

PS. I haven't read over what I wrote, so there might be some stupid mistakes. I might read and edit later
01.09.2015 - 07:22
Напишано од Goblin, 31.08.2015 at 16:38

Meet beartank back then too ...i fucking hated him. <3

why? :c
01.09.2015 - 07:42
Напишано од Milkyy, 01.09.2015 at 07:22

Напишано од Goblin, 31.08.2015 at 16:38

Meet beartank back then too ...i fucking hated him. <3

why? :c

Because you always spectated dbacks and me playing... and you mocked me when i failed xD
01.09.2015 - 07:43
Напишано од Goblin, 01.09.2015 at 07:42

Because you always spectated dbacks and me playing... and you mocked me when i failed xD

lel, that's my way of showing my affection bb
01.09.2015 - 09:45
Напишано од Autumn, 23.08.2015 at 13:09

All I remember, is that Waffel told me something like: Follow your heart.

I actually told you to join a 3v3/cw active clan, and recommended you to VS. You joined that one for a long time and then joined State of Mind and lost track of you

Напишано од Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
01.09.2015 - 09:48
I just realized... why are there scissors in that AW artwork Meester made?

Were we suppose to make a collage??? Oh my god i'l get right to it xD
01.09.2015 - 13:02
Once upon a time I was all alone in my room with nothing to do, this was right after I had purchased my new computer.

I decided I wanted to play a game, something different, I knew I was really into strategy games so of course, I googled 'risk online game free' and found this game https://www.game-remakes.com/play.php?id=476 I played this game for 2 weeks, I eventually got tired of it. I did another search for risk games online and eventually found atWar.

At the time, I was heavily into world war II, especially nazi germany. That is where my name came from. Originally, I wanted my name to be Führer, but the platform wouldn't let me use the umlaut, so I went with theFuehrer.

Once I was in game, I didn't take the tutorial I believe, I went straight into a world map game. I remember thinking this game is fucking amazing. Later, I invited my friend KILLERNAZi but he didn't get into it like I did. My first games were pretty bad, I remember thinking how the fuck are these guys killing me.. later I found out they were using stealth lol.

I recall me being on some type of break from school, I used to play this game nonstop. Mostly UN and RP. I tell you, i had so much fun playing those scenarios. Honestly, I was quite good at them. I would either war people, convince others to fight each other, etc. One time I even remember playing a RP that took 100 and something turns, me and martell where allied fighting againts china. We had another ally who was france, but this guy throughout the entire game didn't say a word. He just hung out in Europe. Once me and martell finished off china, we decided to kill france. But guess what? France was a mod (At the time I had no idea who mods actually were) .... it was Cthulhu.... When we realized we were going to kill him, he kicked both me and martell from the game.. LOL.. I remember thinking... WTF!!!!!!

Few months later, I decided I wanted something more. I entered into the european battlefield. Were I mostly dwell now. The EU map is were I started to really learn about game strategy. I think I still have a lot to learn, but oh well.

Recently, I have not been able to have as much fun as I used to. Since I got a job, go out with friends, etc. I can't really focus here a lot, besides forums.

The end.
01.09.2015 - 18:43
Напишано од Waffel, 01.09.2015 at 09:45

Напишано од Autumn, 23.08.2015 at 13:09

All I remember, is that Waffel told me something like: Follow your heart.

I actually told you to join a 3v3/cw active clan, and recommended you to VS. You joined that one for a long time and then joined State of Mind and lost track of you

Damn, seems like I missed something about what you told me. maybe i wouldn't be so noob. maybe I would have been worst. We never know what could have happened to us , geez Anyway I never joined vs, it was dead at that time. I'm still playing the game, I guess thats the most important thing.
02.09.2015 - 00:58
Right thanks for submitting everyone, trophies will be given soon.
Total of 43 amazing stories read and awarded. I'm calling it a night.

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