04.08.2018 - 16:06
I noticed there's less interest in the competitive side of this game among players nowadays, what should be done to change it? Should there be an official quick tournaments that last a single day hosted by the staff every now and then? Competitive boot camps for newbies with rewards for top performers? What's your ideas to improve this part of the game that is important to the diversity of options this game has to offer?
04.08.2018 - 16:23
Its boring when the game is now just repetitive rush expansion meta bull shit. i want new strats and this retarded rush meta gone
04.08.2018 - 16:26
I'm not going to point fingers at anyone it isn't the point rn. Though if you have ideas it'd be awesome if you share.
04.08.2018 - 16:27
I agree with you. New strats can definitely spice things up. Maybe if we bring back the old tb system rush expansion won't be as effective as much as it's now.
04.08.2018 - 16:42
You're welcome and I appreciate what you did. It's pity that you're leaving. I feel the same it's been really nice to know you too.
04.08.2018 - 17:54
Cause learning curve is huge when compared to imp spam scenarios. Add to that the fact that EU isn't as appealing as the scenario maps for most newbs. Also we need more clans that allow low lvls to go into cws. It's boring af to take 3 r8s and go play all those r10+ again and again and keep losing. RIP Elites, may it rize again.
04.08.2018 - 20:12
Community's not bad, we just need to make it so that more low ranks (especially rank 5s) are encouraged to join main room and keep ranking up. Our beginning room also seems pretty empty and we need more of a marketing push. But yes, we could also perhaps have daily tournaments, that sounds like a good idea as well tbh
04.08.2018 - 20:55
i agree
Adding in strategies is not so simple as theres a lot of tests needed to be done to ensure nothing is super strong/super weak as well as how it would fit in the actual game. However, more strategies would be cool, i agree. However, changing the TB system again i wouldn't be a fan of. I think we need to stick with something we all know, whether we like it or not. Would just make things less complex to players who don't nessecarily check in on forums or keep up with news. Also the rush meta really isnt new, theres always been rushers on this game xa
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04.08.2018 - 21:22
I really dont think so this time. This is the first time in 6 years there are 0 new players to fill those that are leaving in competitive. In order for it to ever come back they will need to actively recruit and train new members or it will be gone for good I expect.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
04.08.2018 - 21:31
u haven't been active in months until recently. there are so many more expansion rushers with ds and lb. most people who rush expansions rush because they think they have a higher chance that they would win if you rush them and kill their stack. usually this doesn't work too well with other strats, but strats like lb and ds enable this retarded bull shit to another level. you could be a super noob and still play ds, lucky rush and kill gen stack and rape ankara. in east games, i fucking hate players who have egos up their ass and can't admit that rushing expansions takes no fucking skill.
05.08.2018 - 04:39
Unleashed just STFU, nobody cares that youre gone, you have 0 impact on the game, just go away and be sad somewhere else.
05.08.2018 - 04:49
Believe it or not, youre more pathetic
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05.08.2018 - 04:54
Still stalking me? Nothing else to do in albania i see
05.08.2018 - 05:39
he really is...a while ago i let him use my account to play a ww2 cause i had no time. the autist went on insulting everyone in the game left the moment i went offline and muted banlisted everyone he saw over 1k ppl were on my lists, who does that lol
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
05.08.2018 - 07:00
Big clans dont trai dont make small clans dont really care much they got their 10 cw ready players so they find no point.All competative players gathered in 5-8 clans.We need more variety.Also idk how strats got messed up so much.I suggest a strat reset to pre lao changes and then we all give suggestions to what should change or not.In my opinion the pd meta had more skill included and tactics involved that this LB rush and pray for rolls thing.
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05.08.2018 - 08:21
Lets make WW2 comp season, unban Unleashed so he can play for MK. k k
---- ...још сте ту...
05.08.2018 - 08:30
![]() When you don't know whether to laugh at the retard, or punch him in the face.
05.08.2018 - 08:32
I agree. Bald virgin manlet from a forgotten village in shithole bosnia, i would be ashamed to even post here.
05.08.2018 - 08:36
Thx for support bro, but I just don't feel like it anymore. when I was im MK, lao may or may not remember, but he went through hell as turkey in 3v3 vs My Ukraine also ![]() Here's one fact illirya knows for sure (and some of them from experience LOL) If I play for MK, MK becomes unbeatable.
05.08.2018 - 08:45
Even in WW1. The easiest scenario. 4nic france vs me Germany, I cap paris Turn 7 I rekt them everywhere man, ww2, ww1, cw, 3v3, forums, real life achievmenets, Total domination against these incels, why do u think they hate, they know they inferior ![]()
05.08.2018 - 08:52
Its sad to see you desperately reaching out for friends where you can find them. Meanwhile these people all laugh at you behind your back. For a year i heard you brag about your ukraine only for you to play me and lose both times. I'm not sure how i went through hell. You t5 rushed in 1 game and i dont remember the other but both games were quick. It was pretty disappointing much like your germany.
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05.08.2018 - 08:54
umad u lost vs me in ww2 and 3v3, i get it, dooky digger No, I do not like boys, get away from me.
05.08.2018 - 08:58
duel. Ill humiliate you again and make you run away crying for another week.
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05.08.2018 - 08:59
Unleashed I know you tagged me as I saw the notifications; I ignored the toxicmasc account you have and I don't know what you wrote XD. It's kind of sad that you need to constantly prove yourself, a real "alpha male" wouldn't feel the need to do that.
05.08.2018 - 09:07
Unleashed dude relax you going insane.Take a break and come back after a week read again your posts.You are just harming yourself.Wish you best luck.
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