29.10.2015 - 14:26
Players here already stated the obvious reasons we disagreed to the cw ill just add a few of my own not that i feel i have to explain to you since its my right as a leader of a clan to decide that rank diff is too much for me. *2v2 and 3v3 are not the same and some players are not as good at 2v2 as they are in 3v3. that's why i agreed to the ranks in 3v3 and not 2v2 **you specifically posted in global that you had ranks to play with but you were stubborn on playing with your highest ranks every clan wants the best odds for their cw match most of you players that are bitching are already over r-11 and you cant remember what is was like to be with less experience as you are today,most of you once asked for ranks in cws as well so stfu. i beat most of you high ranks at least once or twice in duels and cws. when you feel the game is not the right setup its just not gonna work.
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29.10.2015 - 22:47
oh i see, clan wars are no longer about which clan has better players, clan wars are now about having your best players play their non-best. ![]()
njab Корисникот е избришан |
30.10.2015 - 03:01 njab Корисникот е избришан
Of course some players aren't as good in 2vs2 as they are in 3vs3. They worked hard to memorize their expansion on 3vs3, pls respect their memorization skills!
30.10.2015 - 03:11
tunder you have no say in this your opinion is worthless since you are not a competitive player i would put any of my lower ranks vs you in a competitive game...
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30.10.2015 - 03:11
dude your not even good at playing scenarios.... ![]()
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njab Корисникот е избришан |
30.10.2015 - 03:17 njab Корисникот е избришан
Nice avoidance of the real topic I started talking about. Sure, I am not good at playing scripted autistic wallspam storybooks where all of your skill goes on knowing what turn do events arrive and spamming walls to protect your ass. You can continue that shit-topic on some other thread, not here, please stop trolling this thread with unrelated stuff.
30.10.2015 - 03:28
i will wait for you to reach rank 9 so that i can tell clovis to put you in cw vs me dino heat jordan steve aoki....since any ranks 9+ are the same right? piss off faggot. clovis anytime you look for cws its only your 3 top players so dont complain,even if you have many players online you only look for cws with 13-13-11 so stop being a 2 faced ass and put your lower ranks in cws as well. we both know your lower ranks cant match any of the players in enigma so you have to put up your top players vs anyone we have online gg
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njab Корисникот е избришан |
30.10.2015 - 03:33 njab Корисникот е избришан
Clovis takes the guys who are online. Considering they CW lately around 22:00 GMT+1, I don't have time for the full game. Our highest ranks are from America and they have no problems to CW at that time considering their timezone.
30.10.2015 - 03:40
don't lie every time im looking for a cw lately you guys have 6-8 players online but clovis only says 13-13-11 even if im looking for a cw with our ranks 10-9-8
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30.10.2015 - 08:50
I always ask for more than 3v3 cws when possible... 4v4, 5v5,6v6. Most of the times when they or I ask in chat, only few replies. Usually AFK or in game. But later on they reply and I always ask for more players vs more players... About that CW with njab: sure, my only addition would'be to make it outside of europe. So memorization doesn't win. I could even let it be 1vs1 CW if the rest of my clan agrees.
04.11.2015 - 19:50
I really hate it.... anything above rank 10 shouldn't exist. Rank system is so flawed and inaccurate... Just look at who are the top 10 players in this game by SP. It can be a rough indicator for rank 9 and below but for rank 10 and upper is another history... Maybe after HTML this is the second thing that impacts greatly in the number of CWs played. When evoL and Cosa were alive this type of stuff barely happened.... Guess we are entering to another Era of atWar, just like when Dalmati and a bunch of players left back in the release of custom maps. Hopefully one day we rise again for goods.
04.11.2015 - 20:57
Agree with ranks thing, it more depends on the person's playstyle/skill than the rank. In my humble opinion (not views of cln) ranks are usually an excuse, if u want to play a lower skill lvl team just request one player instead of the other, not numbers...
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05.11.2015 - 05:23
How come enigma's best player don't have all the skills require to play a game, seriously it basically . picking strategies,walling,taking cities, and thinking. Not much skills there which can be used by any player. In a nutshell there isn't much skills to play at-war games.
---- Hi
05.11.2015 - 05:53
Its sad that you think that's all it takes to win a game.
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Ghost Корисникот е избришан |
05.11.2015 - 06:23 Ghost Корисникот е избришан
Ok that enough, pls delete this topic. also clovis stop makes attention.
03.12.2015 - 22:59
Ranks doesnt matter, it is the skill level that makes it fair or not. You make me laugh bro, like if this would make a fair cw: dino + heat+ GOW vs Clovis and some two other guys that never played a cw before.... Most of our members never played a cw before. We want to train them, but it may not be the best idea to make them face you guys on their first eu+ game... Just sayin....
04.12.2015 - 04:12
: )
12.12.2015 - 02:34
Why dont u guys play CW disabling upgrades?? Ranks dont matter no more, only skills, right? and by the way in my view the biggest issue with CW is it s played almost only on one map/settings and lots of players simply don t want/cant spend hundred of hours trying to catch up with so called competitive players. I would see CW much more fun and appealing to the masses if we were doing 5v5 world maps or something that brings more balance (or illusion of balance...) to the game. Maybe there should be a special 3v3 sect/league for u guys so CW is something broader and more popular cheers
---- Seule la victoire est belle
12.12.2015 - 12:09
Not everyone has the time to play world maps, nor would it be as balanced as an Eu game is. Besides, it's already hard sometimes to have 6 players at the same time online, not to mention 10 of them.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
20.12.2015 - 11:10
20.12.2015 - 13:40
Agree, that is why in syndicate me and eagles would offer a no upgrades CW which still would get declined by the other part.
(deleted) Корисникот е избришан |
21.12.2015 - 12:25 (deleted) Корисникот е избришан
Clovis,nice one more topic about this,and its alive,gj,you rly like attention.... Second,when someone tells that r13 is like r9,he is or idiot or clovis. Why? Because r13 has more experience.... How many times when clovis asks for global on chat and tells 10 10 9 or sth like that i automaticly answer,we join the cw and clovis joins with one more 13 and 11. So,rly,pls stop whoring,if you want attention,go to off topic,but you cant have attention in off topic,so you came out of off topic to try to be attention whore here. P.S
Fuck you.
(deleted) Корисникот е избришан |
21.12.2015 - 12:31 (deleted) Корисникот е избришан
Op,evol had mid and high ranks,and cosa had both too. And,i agree,this rank system isnt goo,di would add like 30 ranks,so there can be more balance. and that thid thing you are talking about: how i remember,you are the one who was against me when i was talking that html will suck,so now shut up about new eras,because if custom maps wouldnt exist,this game wont have 10 players active in moment in 20h CET....... stop talking about how op you are,if you are really op,recruit newbies and train them,so you will stop crying about matching ranks.
22.12.2015 - 08:52
stop trolling again
(deleted) Корисникот е избришан |
22.12.2015 - 12:47 (deleted) Корисникот е избришан
fixed for ya*
22.12.2015 - 14:09
![]() A common competitive (at least, at europe) rank 9 can beat at least half of the players in this list in a duel... I wonder from who are you scared about.
22.12.2015 - 15:17
Clovis stop making false assumptions we are talking strictly about competitive players no one cares about the rest of them... and i think it is just fair that if you want to play with your dream team so wait for my dream team to be online if not dont ask for a cw if your not willing to put close ranks. end of story.
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22.12.2015 - 23:24
Yeah like I just beat this r14, omg how is that possible!?! And I'm rly not the best r9 out there. ![]() Also, don't worry, no matter which clan I'm in, I'll always tell u to stop trolling, cuz u r an epic troll haha
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