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23.11.2014 - 18:32
I've made this post for discuss about Guerrilla Warfare with Ukraine. The settings: 3vs3 10k. However it can also work for 2vs2 and 1vs1!

It is suggested to not use Ukraine GW when:

•) Germany is enemy.
•) There is another player near you (Russia Volga, Poland, Russia northwest, etc)
•) If you don't have all the requested upgrades. Those are:

- Expendable Marines
- Faster Marines
- Air Transport Capacity I & II


- Cheap transportation.
- General: Militias HP
- General: Cost
- Sea Transport Capacity
- Submarine capacity
- Faster General I & II and movement range.

General good and bad points:


- Almost unbeatable on late-game
- Nearby 2k economy with whole Ukrainian's influence territories. You can fund your teammates in west.
- Stealth unit advantage.


- Weak in early-game
- Bad against early rush, or expansion rush.
- Bad mobility.

Comparion: SM ukraine vs GW ukraine:

1. Ukraine GW get better economy: Less collateral damage and cheaper than SM. When you successful expand though all the viable countries (Turn 6-8) Your economy will range from 1.8k to 2.5k , compared to Sky Menace (usually around 1.2k. This depends on collateral damage).

2. SM ukraine use better the reinforcements. A comparion between main attack and Main defense units:

•) GW Marines vs SM Bombers: The marines are cheaper, which lead to outnumber advantage. The stealth factor also comes in game for surprise attack and hidden army. However bombers compensate this with their superior range (About 3x marine's one) and +1 more attack than marines.

General: Bomber Attack give even more firepower to Bombers, making it 9 attack vs marine's 7 attack.

•)SM infantry vs GW militias: The infantries with SM have -1 attack, but keep their 7 defense intact. They as well have more range than militias ( 6 infantry range against 4 militia range). However the Militias are half the cost of an infantry. They as well have +1 attack.

General: Militias HP though, is better than General: Infantry Attack.

•) Transports: Since GW Ukraine does not use much transport (because they are expensive), they give SM the edge in mobility.

A small resume:

Main advantages of Ukraine GW over Ukraine SM:

- Less collateral damage and cheap units. This equal to a big economy difference.
- Stealth unit advantage.
- Late-Game advantage.
- More troops. The amount of marines you can buy bypass.

Main Disadvantages:of Ukraine GW over Ukraine SM:

- Weak on early-game: You can be rushed, or your expansion can be rushed. It will be hard for you to recover (Is already hard with SM).
- Militias (6 defense with Guerrilla Warfare) are weaker than infantry (7 defense with Sky Menace) for defend. They also have less range.
- Very bad mobility: This is compensate in part with the amount of marines you can buy compared to the amount of bombers.

I have two types of expansion, from what I've played I will point good and bad points.

Expansion 1: With Russia Northwest.

- 7 marines to Saint Petesburg. I use 1 Air Transport from Kiev. The air Transport stay near.

- 10 marines and one Air Transport in Moscow. The 3 man wall is optional. I make the Air Transport in Dnepropetrovsk, and send it to Kharkiv. From Kharkiv I send the marines I can to Moscow. After this, send the marines needed from Kiev to the air transport in Kharkiv, and from here go Moscow.

- 2 infantry and 3 marines in Poland. I am used to send 1 extra bomber from Kiev for avoid bad surprises.

- 10 infantry and general to Belarus. You can get 8 from Kiev and 2 from Dnepropetrovsk. Wall Kiev with Odessa's infantry.

- The marines/submarine on Aegean's sea are optional. I will eventually return the submarine to Ukraine's coast, and use it for transport marines from Ukraine mainland to Turkey.

Good points:

•) More reinforcements than the other expansion.
•) More income.
•) Better mobility.
•) Better expansion though neutrals.
•) Stronger than expansion 2 in late-game (If not rushed)

Expansion 2: Without Russia Northwest.

- 10 marines and one Air Transport in Moscow. The 3 man wall is optional. I make the Air Transport in Dnepropetrovsk, and send it to Kharkiv. From Kharkiv I send the marines I can to Moscow. After this, send the marines needed from Kiev to the air transport in Kharkiv, and from here go Moscow.

- 2 infantry and 3 marines in Poland. I am used to send 1 extra bomber from Kiev for avoid bad surprises.

- 5 marines to belarus. 2 marines to Gomel (Belarus's city).

- Use the infantry in kiev for double wall it. NOTE: If you dont know how to double wall correctly, you can try making a wall in the southern coast of ukraine.

- Send 2 marines and some infantry to Moldova. It depends.

- The marines/submarine on Aegean's sea are optional. I will eventually return the submarine to Ukraine's coast, and use it for transport marines from Ukraine mainland to Turkey.

Good points:

•) The initial funds last longer.
•) Better cost-efficiently usage.
•) Early attack on turkey.
•) Kiev protected until turn 4. NOTE: The double wall in the screenshot has been tested and proves it efficient against zoom bugs.
•) Easier to retake Kiev if capped.

Units usage:

Your main units are Militias and Marines. The starting infantry you can either use them for make walls or expand.

Bombers for break walls, although you should try to have marines everywhere for prevent losing too much money with bombers.

One (Or two) Air transport for mobility. Dont buy a 3rd unless really needed.

Submarines, for cross from Ukraine to turkey's mainland. You should serious avoid using Sea transports.

General tips for counter weakness:

1. Don't protect Kiev in turn 3. It is well-know that GW is weak against early rushes, so the player as turkey is likely to try rushing you. Is better to grab up all the militias you can in Kiev but without buy any new militia. If you get 20 units in Kiev plus general is enough.

Make a lot of marines and try to spend all your reinforcements on marines. If you get capped you can recap, else move to Balkans.

2. After early game (Turn 5-8): You can choose between spam endless waves of marines, fund your allies, or reckon your enemy's teammates. You can go and help Germany on Scandinavia if needed, or push turkey in Balkans with German's help.

If you are aiming for kill turkey, you should start up by taking whole Caucasus. A frontal attack is not away good.

You should as well look for a more creative way to use your troops (walls) since you don't have much militias in Kiev ( Expect yourself to get 40 or more, at this point).

Take every country you can, even your Ukrainian cities. With GW every city counts! You get militias for this.

3. CHAOS! break all walls and do suicidal attacks often. Use the advantage of your marines for make the enemy feel unsafe. If the enemy is trying to climb up and have 11 in liviv... attack it!

Thoughs are welcome
23.11.2014 - 19:03
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
23.11.2014 - 21:12
You're a genius. I've been looking for an expansion like this forever.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
23.11.2014 - 23:50

Edit: Just a question, how do you defend against pd turkey rush? recapping looks impossible if he caps turn 3 with >70 units
Another 6 a.m. start to the day just like all the rest
24.11.2014 - 03:07
It's why as everyone knows GW is vulnerable to rushes, longer is when GW rules
The best players are those who think outside the box and aren't afraid to try something new
24.11.2014 - 04:22
Напишано од blautista, 23.11.2014 at 23:50

Edit: Just a question, how do you defend against pd turkey rush? recapping looks impossible if he caps turn 3 with >70 units

PD turkey is easy to TB with. With moldova you can tb it... Also, if you put one militia in odessa's edge he cannot bring militias to kiev!!!!

But let say you dont get to tb him.... Then since you have bunch of marines and he is practically undefend.... you should take balkans and turkey, at least.

And of couse, if your allies fund you, then you can recap easy.
24.11.2014 - 13:26
One thing I'm wondering is how this fairs against Blitz Turkey. Assuming blitz Turk takes Belarus, Romania, RS, etc... it looks just a little sketchy to me.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
25.11.2014 - 18:32
Напишано од Dr Lecter, 24.11.2014 at 13:26

One thing I'm wondering is how this fairs against Blitz Turkey. Assuming blitz Turk takes Belarus, Romania, RS, etc... it looks just a little sketchy to me.

gg I guess.

Not like SM could perform better against a rush though.
25.11.2014 - 20:08
I got my arse woop by a gw ukraine. I learned to rush a gw ukraine after my horrible defeat. it when i was pd turk
26.11.2014 - 10:57
Pretty sure there's always a way out of a hot mess.

Either way, 10/10 GW Ukraine in 3v3 setting
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
07.01.2015 - 01:56
Indian Tiger
Корисникот е избришан
Nice guide
07.07.2015 - 22:53

GW ukraine won me the Master of East II tournament, from the 4 times I played it, won the 4 times. Soon, GW Ukraine will be a standard pick, if I keep up the good road with it, and of course, if the players are still willing to learn it.
08.07.2015 - 09:27
Main issue is how many upgrades it requires... nothing wrong with it, but explains why it is not popular

Lower ranks (Im speaking for me here) have more important upgrades to get than stealth ones most of the time. Because of that gw ukraine may be really good, but only high ranks can play it efficiently, so its not likely to ever become the standard pick over say sm, which requires no upgrades to use

09.07.2015 - 05:36
What happen if turkey take russia south gg?
09.07.2015 - 06:52
Напишано од clovis1122, 07.07.2015 at 22:53


GW ukraine won me the Master of East II tournament, from the 4 times I played it, won the 4 times. Soon, GW Ukraine will be a standard pick, if I keep up the good road with it, and of course, if the players are still willing to learn it.

Lol? GW ukraine never lost its place as standard picks Back in the days alot of people used to play it in 3v3's/cw's. This faggy new generation just likes to rush that much so not much people know how to recap or protect against rush.

Напишано од Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
09.07.2015 - 06:53
Напишано од CollegeDegree, 09.07.2015 at 05:36

What happen if turkey take russia south gg?

Not much, you can still latemove with marines.

Напишано од Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
09.07.2015 - 06:55
Напишано од dinoscout, 08.07.2015 at 09:27

Main issue is how many upgrades it requires... nothing wrong with it, but explains why it is not popular

Lower ranks (Im speaking for me here) have more important upgrades to get than stealth ones most of the time. Because of that gw ukraine may be really good, but only high ranks can play it efficiently, so its not likely to ever become the standard pick over say sm, which requires no upgrades to use

GW has almost same upgrades required for PD or any other strat related to infantries, I think infantry upgrades in total are even cheaper. If you as low rank already found your way to go at stealth, then its most likely he would've bought faster marines and cheaper marines instead of the infantry upgrades. If you like to play both stealth and normal strategies, then its normal you've bought infantry upgrades first, since you can still play partly MoS with infantries and includes stealths too.

Напишано од Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
09.07.2015 - 07:10
You can start playing GW at rank 8 with all the infantry upgrades and marine upgrades but sacrificing the lucky upgrades. Is what I did because I MoS. Also I like the double wall no AT expansion because its cheap+ no t3 rush.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

12.07.2015 - 10:11
Напишано од clovis1122, 25.11.2014 at 18:32

Напишано од Dr Lecter, 24.11.2014 at 13:26

One thing I'm wondering is how this fairs against Blitz Turkey. Assuming blitz Turk takes Belarus, Romania, RS, etc... it looks just a little sketchy to me.

gg I guess.

Not like SM could perform better against a rush though.

Slash that.

Winning a game after he rushed belarus [killed my general there], russia south [I even took cities here] and Moscow, and even walled RNW. But the turn 2 money makes it so you can expand and then buy 3 or 4 ATS to get a bunch of militias in kiev. After that, recap.
13.07.2015 - 11:16
Not paying attention at the ss above, nice guide.
27.07.2015 - 18:48
Напишано од The Tactician, 09.07.2015 at 07:10

Also I like the double wall no AT expansion because its cheap+ no t3 rush.

ew I just hate you for this. GG lost love

Напишано од Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
28.07.2015 - 03:28
Напишано од Waffel, 27.07.2015 at 18:48

Напишано од The Tactician, 09.07.2015 at 07:10

Also I like the double wall no AT expansion because its cheap+ no t3 rush.

ew I just hate you for this. GG lost love

omg why the expansion is nice
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?


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