03.07.2018 - 13:03
It's hard to play Casual CWs with the current system. But ... I'd like to start a game as close as what would be a 3v3 Eu+ CW. Here is my suggestion: I start the game, you guys join the game on turn 1, pick your country, and end your turn. NO MOVEMENTS on turn 1, EVEN WITH THE STARTING INFANTRIES. Obviously, I will not reinforce on turn 1, nor move any of my starting infantries either Then, on turn 2, we all reinforce and move. No wallfoil on turn 2. Game is here: https://atwar-game.com/games/?link=3035920941. Password is: yeah There are three differences with that option in comparison to typical games: - There is an extra income turn before we get to reinforce; - The next reinforcement turn is coming 1 turn earlier because we start 1 turn later; - The Rally the Troops upgrade will work only for me; but I can definitely leave one reinforcement unused in my capital the first reinforcement cycle. BUT, in my humble opinion, losing one turn is better than having all of us try to meet online and join at the same time. This is also better than moving our troops on turn 1 with the host not reinforcing; that created major imbalances in the game, for instance preventing UK to be a good choice because it could not expand, or making Germany OP because it could expand everywhere into rich country on turn 1. So ... anybody in with me? Of course, this is only valid before clovis programs the infamous turn 0. PS: Please, remember not to move on turn 1 ![]()
03.07.2018 - 21:27
So we've got Germany in team #1, and Turkey in team #2 so far. Who's up?
04.07.2018 - 06:08
OK, now I (Germany) have Turkey and France against me. Now I need help. Especially because France is 4nic (sorry 4nic, using your notoriety to bring players in)
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