Can't wait to start exploring! Absolutely splendid job!
Jood job
The site looks so beautiful! can't wait for the full release I will for sure use this version more often to check the website
[  img]http://i.imgur.com/4TrCT5Z.png?1[/img]
[  img]http://i.imgur.com/JpNbfAX.png[/img]
Nice to see some progress. Looking forward to breaking playtesting the game release
Напишано од Waffel, 27.03.2014 at 14:26
Nobody cares
please stop stealin my lines wafel 
good work on html5 again
I like that, can you make the next version quickly please?
Does this mean that I can play it on my iphone?
Love that you can upgrade outside of the game. The forum looks great, but I don't see any new topics and updated topics sections in the forum. In-Game lobby looks perfect, loving how it looks and feels. Can't wait for the launch!
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler
Garde Објави: 2842 Од: Canada
Looks quite sexy so far. A suggestion: The SP bar at the top of the screen looks a tad off with the 1-point or so line between the Green and Orange, maybe get rid of this? Or have the green be a slight gradient, akin to the Orange/Dark orange of other areas on the site? Also: The maps page on user profiles does not seem to load (attempted three times, @1 minute each test). Otherwise- This is great! The design layout is absolutely fantastic, and the choice of fonts and colour schemes is also amazing. It's definitely apparent you guys have put an amazing amount of work into the HTML5 transition, and I simply cannot wait for the full release.
Love that you can upgrade outside of the game. The forum looks great, but I don't see any new topics and updated topics sections in the forum. In-Game lobby looks perfect, loving how it looks and feels. Can't wait for the launch!
Its in the search section.
Does this mean that I can play it on my iphone? 
Not yet, but the new website should work better on your iphone now.
Напишано од Guest, 27.03.2014 at 18:09
Looks quite sexy so far. A suggestion: The SP bar at the top of the screen looks a tad off with the 1-point or so line between the Green and Orange, maybe get rid of this? Or have the green be a slight gradient, akin to the Orange/Dark orange of other areas on the site? Also: The maps page on user profiles does not seem to load (attempted three times, @1 minute each test). Otherwise- This is great! The design layout is absolutely fantastic, and the choice of fonts and colour schemes is also amazing. It's definitely apparent you guys have put an amazing amount of work into the HTML5 transition, and I simply cannot wait for the full release.
Tried without the 1px separator, definitely looks much worse. Made it a bit more subtle.
Love that you can upgrade outside of the game. The forum looks great, but I don't see any new topics and updated topics sections in the forum. In-Game lobby looks perfect, loving how it looks and feels. Can't wait for the launch!
Press on the search button and you will see them
Напишано од Meester, 27.03.2014 at 20:59
Напишано од Abraham, 28.03.2014 at 08:52
I see, thanks you two.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler
Cannot wait for the release ivan love you no gay nice html website
It looks great, its hard to use the old layout after browsing around on the new, i like the new cw and coalition listings.
The new layout is very appealing.
I'd appreciate it if you could use the little "show more" option on the list of friends you have when you're looking at your own profile like you did on the coalition medals on the clan pages. Nothing serious but it just always bugs me out how ridiculously long that list makes the page. Great job though.
Напишано од Leaf, 28.03.2014 at 11:48
The new layout is very appealing.
I'd appreciate it if you could use the little "show more" option on the list of friends you have when you're looking at your own profile like you did on the coalition medals on the clan pages. Nothing serious but it just always bugs me out how ridiculously long that list makes the page. Great job though.
Didn't anticipate people adding dozens of friends to that list 
Anyway, it's temporary - all user groups will be moved to the chat box, in the bottom right: http://atwar-game.com/tmp/html5/home/index2.htm - there the lists will be scrollable.
Well, I'm not sure what happened with the CWs section, but there's something seriously wrong with it
Apart from showing I'm awful competitively, there is a serious problem here - these are the coalitions I was IN at the time, not the ones I was playing against. The game that says vs Victorious Secret should say vs Loli Army, and the ones that say vs Syndicate should say vs Stalins Martians and vs TEH BUMS WILL LOSE.
Additionally there is no access to a "my posts" page

There is no clickable hyperlink here, where there would have been on the old website

There is a clickable hyperlink here, but this takes you back to the "my posts" page on the old website, not a version on the html5 website.
Great work Ivan/Amok. How will translations be integrated though?
PS: language flags are funny.
Additionally there is no access to a "my posts" page
There is no clickable hyperlink here, where there would have been on the old website
There is a clickable hyperlink here, but this takes you back to the "my posts" page on the old website, not a version on the html5 website.
it won't be an issue once the new layout is moved to replace the old one.
it's only an issue in the demo version.
Well, I'm not sure what happened with the CWs section, but there's something seriously wrong with it

Apart from showing I'm awful competitively, there is a serious problem here - these are the coalitions I was IN at the time, not the ones I was playing against. The game that says vs Victorious Secret should say vs Loli Army, and the ones that say vs Syndicate should say vs Stalins Martians and vs TEH BUMS WILL LOSE.
Yes, that's a problem. We don't record which coalition you belonged to during the game, so the only solution here would be to display both coalitions ("Cln1 vs Cln2").
HTML5: Is it now possible to have folders within the coalition forum? Please say YES!
Just checked the website on mobile
Few isues it seems, still have to scroll to the side on most pages, but a big improvement on the old website
Edit: seems flipping my phone to landscape solves the issue, which makes sense as you are targetting tablet users.
Edit 2: problem on homepage persists in either view that if you scroll to the right on a phone there is blank nothingness.
YO: Make Kongregate front page look more attractive please.
Напишано од Flaneur, 28.03.2014 at 16:29
HTML5: Is it now possible to have folders within the coalition forum? Please say YES!
Nope, sorry.
Напишано од nonames, 28.03.2014 at 19:06
Just checked the website on mobile
Few isues it seems, still have to scroll to the side on most pages, but a big improvement on the old website
Edit: seems flipping my phone to landscape solves the issue, which makes sense as you are targetting tablet users.
Edit 2: problem on homepage persists in either view that if you scroll to the right on a phone there is blank nothingness.
Thanks for the screenshots. It would be increasingly difficult to adapt for the smaller sizes, so if it works in landscape position I think it's good enough. I'll try to solve the remaining problems that you pointed out.
This is just an absolutely amazingly done job! Can't wait for the full release, guys!
Custom banners don't work for players yet.... D:
Напишано од Ivan, 29.03.2014 at 11:42
Напишано од nonames, 28.03.2014 at 19:06
Just checked the website on mobile
Few isues it seems, still have to scroll to the side on most pages, but a big improvement on the old website
Edit: seems flipping my phone to landscape solves the issue, which makes sense as you are targetting tablet users.
Edit 2: problem on homepage persists in either view that if you scroll to the right on a phone there is blank nothingness.
Thanks for the screenshots. It would be increasingly difficult to adapt for the smaller sizes, so if it works in landscape position I think it's good enough. I'll try to solve the remaining problems that you pointed out.
I think the problem with the home screen (it even happens on pc aswell) If you look at all the other pages the UI fills the entire page and resize if you resize the window, but with the homepage there is blank bits to the side, so when you resize the window to anything other than it's native size all those blank spots push to the right hand side.
I think the problem comes with the massive AtWar banner, as it needs those blank spaces to be there to show in full, and the UI doesn't stretch to to it's size.. though tbh if you resized the UI to fit the entire page it could possibly look pretty ugly. I think the website looks better on 800x600 for example on pc I think.
I tusted it on my nokia lumia phone , why we got ivan account , meh... Amok account would be better anyways , there is sth weird , every time i opem the room chat and sees ivan spam , it refuses to go down , you have to refresh the browser i dk if thats a bug or not but the chat is so big and hides all the games and never goes down i tried this 5 times already so..
I tusted it on my nokia lumia phone , why we got ivan account , meh... Amok account would be better anyways , there is sth weird , every time i opem the room chat and sees ivan spam , it refuses to go down , you have to refresh the browser i dk if thats a bug or not but the chat is so big and hides all the games and never goes down i tried this 5 times already so..
Here's the proper link: http://atwar-game.com/tmp/html5/
What you tried was just a raw mockup for the new lobby.
Напишано од nonames, 31.03.2014 at 10:23
I think the problem with the home screen (it even happens on pc aswell) If you look at all the other pages the UI fills the entire page and resize if you resize the window, but with the homepage there is blank bits to the side, so when you resize the window to anything other than it's native size all those blank spots push to the right hand side.
I think the problem comes with the massive AtWar banner, as it needs those blank spaces to be there to show in full, and the UI doesn't stretch to to it's size.. though tbh if you resized the UI to fit the entire page it could possibly look pretty ugly. I think the website looks better on 800x600 for example on pc I think.
OK, the issue should be fixed now. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention
So, I tested this on my mac, but I seem to find many problems tbh. I'm a bit busy atm, so I'll edit this post later and add the problems I'm facing.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Best Regards, Paul
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon
Spart is love
Напишано од Ivan, 02.04.2014 at 08:41
Напишано од nonames, 31.03.2014 at 10:23
I think the problem with the home screen (it even happens on pc aswell) If you look at all the other pages the UI fills the entire page and resize if you resize the window, but with the homepage there is blank bits to the side, so when you resize the window to anything other than it's native size all those blank spots push to the right hand side.
I think the problem comes with the massive AtWar banner, as it needs those blank spaces to be there to show in full, and the UI doesn't stretch to to it's size.. though tbh if you resized the UI to fit the entire page it could possibly look pretty ugly. I think the website looks better on 800x600 for example on pc I think.
OK, the issue should be fixed now. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention 
Well, it's fixed when you are logged in, when you are not logged in and there is that scrolling thing where all the features are shown the problem persists, And the banner acts weirdly.
I try click theses two and nothing happen...
Can confirm, these buttons aren't working atm
also on the subscription page clicking on the purchase buttons don't work currently.
Also, just personal Taste, but I prefer how quotes look in the other forum, The blocks of lines on the side look ugly and are a strange change for me, much preferred the older line above and below.
Just love how you can buy upgrades from the website. :thumb up:
And yea, the quotes look quite weird.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
Напишано од Goblin, 05.04.2014 at 07:41
Looking at my CW's on this and it says i played a clan war against this clan

I was actually in the british empire clan and fought 2 cw's for them against another clans
btw. like that the CW history now shows clan wins over individual defeat ...i think o.o thats the case now xD
Fixed, sort of. Since there's no way to know which coalition you belonged to during the game, I just list both and color the SP gain according to personal game result.
Напишано од nonames, 04.04.2014 at 19:19
Well, it's fixed when you are logged in, when you are not logged in and there is that scrolling thing where all the features are shown the problem persists, And the banner acts weirdly.
Can confirm, these buttons aren't working atm
also on the subscription page clicking on the purchase buttons don't work currently.
All of these are fixed now. But what do you mean, "the banner acts weirdly"?
Напишано од Ivan, 05.04.2014 at 09:48
Напишано од nonames, 04.04.2014 at 19:19
Well, it's fixed when you are logged in, when you are not logged in and there is that scrolling thing where all the features are shown the problem persists, And the banner acts weirdly.
Can confirm, these buttons aren't working atm
also on the subscription page clicking on the purchase buttons don't work currently.
All of these are fixed now. But what do you mean, "the banner acts weirdly"?
The banner scrolls so you see a different part of it when you mve to see the game features on the main pfgae it makes sense for that to happen though I guess because putting text over the horse and soldier would look bad. So it's alright.
Напишано од Goblin, 05.04.2014 at 12:31
Found this :/ clearly Pera has some won CW games
Same problem - the inability to determine which coalition you belonged to if none of them is your current one. So any other coalition winning counts as a loss. I'll try to figure out what to do with it - probably will have to count personal victories instead of coalition victories.
Напишано од Goblin, 06.04.2014 at 14:20
Playerlist - when you click "show all" to see everyone, including the players that are absent for more then 30 days ...it comes up with some list of players, without the most of active ones.
I cannot see anyone missing.
Great job and thanks for that !but why doesn not the link work it show 404 not found