Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Second FUCK
Fun idea though, reminds me of a while ago where we did have something like this. Unofficialy though.
What is this
Not a good player
''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
It's not working by commenting 'in' here in forums. Just be in the Main Room Lobby chat in 50 minutes
Ed. sp police best clan ever
Напишано од Puchao, 12.01.2019 at 14:15
Everyone can participate without applications. All you need to be in the Main Room Lobby chat in 40 minutes and wait for quiz (and questions) to start. Try to be the fastest one
Well half the community was muted in that quiz
Ed. sp police best clan ever
Any chance questions can be on a different chat so people not participating in it (in a game or something) dont need to have their chats blocked by the question
(would be nice but not a priority)
Woohoo we used to do this in starcraft with bots asking the questions!
Also you could do a quiz not related to atwar. It could literally be anything. World History, Math, Science etc... that would be really cool.
Main target of the Official AW Quz is keeping the activity with some fun stuff and having fun all together where you can also win some prizes.
Yesterday we brought the number of 107 players in the Main Room while holding the quiz.
To be honest, we didn't expect that big number. There were mainly players who participated the quiz, but also, there were several trolls and spammers, so we decided to post the questions marked with red, so everyone can see it.
Even with red marked questions, the amount of answers was huge, but we managed to end the first day (of 5 days) of quiz for the 1st month.
After the first day ended, Waffel, 4nic, Tengri, Dave, myself and few other guys tried the site 'Kahoot' for easier answering and to avoid the spam and big amount of answers from everyone. 'Kahoot' seemed as fine site at first look, but on the other side, it seems like it is broken.
Only quiz creator sees the questions, while participants see only answering shapes without answer.
The only possible option with 'Kahoot' is streaming the Quiz host's screen which is in our opinion too complicated for just 10 questions of quiz per day.
So, decision is that we will keep holding the quiz in the Main Room chat. Questions will be marked with bolded red. All abusers, spammers and trolls will be muted.
Anyways, if someone knows any another quiz holding site similiar to 'Kahoot', we are willing to take a look on it and consider if it is good enough for holding our quiz through it. Since then, we will hold it the same way like yesterday.
Hope you guys understand
See you tonight again
Despite the 'chaos' i like it's in main AW lobby... brings community together.

Looks like tengri on top
Wtf when was the 2nd quiz
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Напишано од 4nic, 13.01.2019 at 16:14
Wtf when was the 2nd quiz
Third of 5 days of the 1st month is tomorrow (14.1.2019.) again at 22:00h / 10pm GMT+1
Напишано од Puchao, 12.01.2019 at 15:22
Well half the community was muted in that quiz
Called collateral damage. Not the muters fault.
I want my point back
Do we care about this quiz?
Напишано од Croat, 13.01.2019 at 09:08
After the first day ended, Waffel, 4nic, Tengri, Dave, myself and few other guys tried the site 'Kahoot' for easier answering and to avoid the spam and big amount of answers from everyone. 'Kahoot' seemed as fine site at first look, but on the other side, it seems like it is broken.
Only quiz creator sees the questions, while participants see only answering shapes without answer.
The only possible option with 'Kahoot' is streaming the Quiz host's screen which is in our opinion too complicated for just 10 questions of quiz per day.
So, decision is that we will keep holding the quiz in the Main Room chat. Questions will be marked with bolded red. All abusers, spammers and trolls will be muted.
Anyways, if someone knows any another quiz holding site similiar to 'Kahoot', we are willing to take a look on it and consider if it is good enough for holding our quiz through it. Since then, we will hold it the same way like yesterday.
Hope you guys understand
But similar to Kahoot, it seems to only support multiple choice questions.
Since the problem seems to stem only from the number of participants and the limitations of the in-game chat, I would recommend Dave to expose logs of the main chat if that's not already being done. It would probably serve better to keep the competitions in-game and would not need to over-engineer a solution but is contingent on the architecture of the chat system.
Напишано од Leaf, 16.01.2019 at 04:20
Since the problem seems to stem only from the number of participants and the limitations of the in-game chat, I would recommend Dave to expose logs of the main chat if that's not already being done. It would probably serve better to keep the competitions in-game and would not need to over-engineer a solution but is contingent on the architecture of the chat system.
Someday when I have time maybe I'll code an interface for us to easier run the quiz from. For now I just keep the chat log open while we do it so I can check answers, although Croat catches them pretty fast already.
Mods have access to the chat logs also, although I wouldn't want to expose it to a wider audience. Too much potential for abuse.
I would be open to a 3rd-party solution also... checked out that myquiz link but it would be nice if we could find one that allowed free-form answers, not just multiple choice.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Напишано од Dave, 16.01.2019 at 06:58
Напишано од Leaf, 16.01.2019 at 04:20
Since the problem seems to stem only from the number of participants and the limitations of the in-game chat, I would recommend Dave to expose logs of the main chat if that's not already being done. It would probably serve better to keep the competitions in-game and would not need to over-engineer a solution but is contingent on the architecture of the chat system.
Someday when I have time maybe I'll code an interface for us to easier run the quiz from. For now I just keep the chat log open while we do it so I can check answers, although Croat catches them pretty fast already.
Mods have access to the chat logs also, although I wouldn't want to expose it to a wider audience. Too much potential for abuse.
I would be open to a 3rd-party solution also... checked out that myquiz link but it would be nice if we could find one that allowed free-form answers, not just multiple choice.
An ingame tournament engine would be nice to see as a priority, however I understand that takes more resource to develop.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
You guys are doing a fabulous job even with the current lack of resources but still doing much more regardless and that should be made clear with the rest of the user base to know that things are and will be moving forward. Kudos to all of you.
Напишано од Leaf, 16.01.2019 at 11:36
You guys are doing a fabulous job even with the current lack of resources but still doing much more regardless and that should be made clear with the rest of the user base to know that things are and will be moving forward. Kudos to all of you.
Ty bab <3
Tengri boi the champion
Congratulations to our winners!
Also a big thank you to Croat for organizing this. He took care of all collecting all the questions and checking answers (I just copy and pasted from him). It was great to see so many people come together in the chat room for this. I hope we will do this again soon!
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Congrats to njab and tengri and sean spicer and karlo11
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Lol aw got creative while i was gone