Good job
Well done!!
''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
Sounds great tho!
Scenarios are currently balanced around the existing strategies, balancing them around disabled strategies would take a fuckton of editing by a lot of mapmakers many of whom are inactive, you can't just solve everything by disabling strategies.
Someone Better Than You
beep Објави: 68 Од: USA
Loving the active engagement, are there any other strategies the admins are looking at changing? Also, is it possible that in the near future custom maps won't have to rely on "(Unit Type) : Other" so that more strategies can be of use in scenario games?
Its good to see new things implemented.
Nice to see a new strat added
Very good job 
look forward to playing with this new strategy.
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !
ゆめ の ちから
Rip. Militia on steroids and thats new strategy...
Wow nice !
"Lastly, a reminder to scenario players -- if you are concerned about strategies effecting the balance of your scenario, don't forget there is a "disable strategies" option you can use when starting a new game."
make this a world map only strategy
Edit:Removed the +10 Cost for Militia only. (Personally I think it was fine with +10 cost across the board, but others thought it was too much... So I think this is the best compromise.)
This fixes the most of the problem with LB in scenarios good job
Perhaps remove miltiia spawn that happens when you capture a city or reduce the amount of militia spawn when a city is captured? This strat will make city raiding insanely more OP
Or alternatively give militia high collateral so they damage city population making militia spawn lower when cities are capped
So im just going to post here an example of what happens if 2 factions in a map go none

Mordor units are one of the worst in the game but they are strong in hordes which is simulated by Mordor having cheap and individually weak units that make up for that in numbers
Now if Mordor picks none as dave suggest Mordor will have bad units and they will cost 50 so that means for you to make 20 of them you have to spend your whole turn worth of income

Lets look at Gondor now.
Gondor has very strong units and it has very high income if Gondor picks none it will still have roughly 3k income this already dwarfs the Mordor income but that isnt the only problem

Gondor has strong units that come at a cheap cost (compared to other units)
So if you look at all of this Mordor cannot outproduce Gondor as it is supposed,Mordor cant make hordes of orcs as it is supposed to be.
In short if all sides go none in scenarios some sides will be weaker like Mordor in this example scenarios are very delicate and should not be changed and most of the map makers are inactive and wont come to fix the balance of the map just for a month
Bro dave that.. - 1 def to ds helis is the one! These ds fags running around with helis, can stop.
How are most of the comments about being excited to play this new strategy?
This strategy is going to ruin games.
Too op,ruins all the scenes
+1 for a permanent rotating systeem!
Sorry for my English! I do my best!
Make it permanent Dave, shook em!
...још сте ту...
So a militia with 12critical doesn't deserve a 40cost.Ok D
A positive side of this strat - It makes "disable strategies " option more relevant.
40 cost for 6 attacks and 5 defences 6 ranges LOL Not to mention that you get free militias when you capture enemies' cities...
This is going to ruin the balance of the game.
And what's wrong with those players who just cheer on whatever Dave does.
I mean, it's awesome to see Dave take a more active role. But it is obvious that something is wrong with this new strat. Is it that hard to be honest?
Insurection will be extremely broken, calling it now. Militia strat are often very strong because you get militia while expanding for free and whenever you take an enemy city.
Not only that but militia is double boosted by the general when defending. Militia get +1 hp and +1 def from the general making them ridiculously tanky.
Normal infantry only get +1 attack which is inferior to +1 hp and +1 def.
Expensive transport is such a weak downside to the strat. Should have gone with low range transport instead since range is the only thing that keeps militia strats from growing out of control and is arguably the most important stat in the game.
Also 6 attack with 40 cost militia is a complete wtf. They're basically 40 cost mini tanks at that point.
Напишано од DDDDDDDD, 04.02.2019 at 07:07
Dave MVP!
6/5 att/def, 6 range and 40 cost seems too op, but I like the frequent updates. You can always nerf/buff later.
Yeah we might need to nerf this a little bit soon... but it's fun to try.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Xa I'm guessing this new strat will be cancerously op but great seeing new shit being added.
Напишано од Dave, 04.02.2019 at 08:58
Напишано од DDDDDDDD, 04.02.2019 at 07:07
Dave MVP!
6/5 att/def, 6 range and 40 cost seems too op, but I like the frequent updates. You can always nerf/buff later.
Yeah we might need to nerf this a little bit soon... but it's fun to try.
Nerf the transport ranges since it is the only thing keeping militia strategies like guerrilla warfare from snowballing out of control.
The cost downside does almost nothing to hamper this strategy.
Напишано од beep, 04.02.2019 at 07:14
Loving the active engagement, are there any other strategies the admins are looking at changing? Also, is it possible that in the near future custom maps won't have to rely on "(Unit Type) : Other" so that more strategies can be of use in scenario games?
I don't have any immediate plans but we'll see what comes up in the next month. Also regarding Unit Type: Other... why is it necessary to rely on it? Why not use the other roles we already have?
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Напишано од Dave, 04.02.2019 at 09:02
Напишано од beep, 04.02.2019 at 07:14
Loving the active engagement, are there any other strategies the admins are looking at changing? Also, is it possible that in the near future custom maps won't have to rely on "(Unit Type) : Other" so that more strategies can be of use in scenario games?
I don't have any immediate plans but we'll see what comes up in the next month. Also regarding Unit Type: Other... why is it necessary to rely on it? Why not use the other roles we already have?
Because there are stat limits to the standard roles. For example you cant set any of the standard roles to have more or less hp than 7. There's stat caps and minimums on everything from attack to unit cost.
Removing it is something mapmakers have been asking for years.
Perhaps remove miltiia spawn that happens when you capture a city or reduce the amount of militia spawn when a city is captured? This strat will make city raiding insanely more OP
Or alternatively give militia high collateral so they damage city population making militia spawn lower when cities are capped
I think the cancerous aspect of how fast it grows when you capture a city is part of the fun... fitting with the title. But yeah maybe we'll increase collateral. Not a bad idea.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Rip. Militia on steroids and thats new strategy...
The strat is ridiculous. It's basically 40 cost IF inf with PD range, but you aren't supposed to defend with them.
I've made so many threads saying, that defence has to be stronger than attack, why did nobody fucking listen?
Напишано од Dave, 04.02.2019 at 09:02
Напишано од beep, 04.02.2019 at 07:14
Loving the active engagement, are there any other strategies the admins are looking at changing? Also, is it possible that in the near future custom maps won't have to rely on "(Unit Type) : Other" so that more strategies can be of use in scenario games?
I don't have any immediate plans but we'll see what comes up in the next month. Also regarding Unit Type: Other... why is it necessary to rely on it? Why not use the other roles we already have?
What WD said, you have to be very particular with a unit's stats in order for it to still be considered a specific unit type, making it very limiting and in order to bypass that you have to make it Unit: other which voids a lot of upgrades and strategies that can be applied to custom maps because people have to rely on the "Other" type
This strat was a mistake. The mil are too cheap for 6 attack.
Yep. pretty much what any other competent person said.
this strategy is game-breaking, though it could be curbed i think.
anyway how did this random idea get implemented? ive never heard about it before, thought for sure WD's counter insurgency idea would be added instead.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
beep Објави: 68 Од: USA
Напишано од Dave, 04.02.2019 at 09:02
Напишано од beep, 04.02.2019 at 07:14
Loving the active engagement, are there any other strategies the admins are looking at changing? Also, is it possible that in the near future custom maps won't have to rely on "(Unit Type) : Other" so that more strategies can be of use in scenario games?
I don't have any immediate plans but we'll see what comes up in the next month. Also regarding Unit Type: Other... why is it necessary to rely on it? Why not use the other roles we already have?
What Erwin & Witch-Doctor said hit it home. It can be difficult to play some scenario maps because stronger units must be classified by the "other" type, so buffs like Perfect Defense, Naval Commander, etc with specific unit buffs can't be applied to those "other" units. Only Iron Fist, Imperialist, Blitzkrieg, and Lucky Bastard can be realistically used in a scenario game like NWE for example because those unit buffs are universal. Sorry if you already understand what people are saying, I just wanted to reply to your post.
Nerf the transport ranges since it is the only thing keeping militia strategies like guerrilla warfare from snowballing out of control.
The cost downside does almost nothing to hamper this strategy.
So if we did transport range -1, and maybe transport cost another +10 (so +40 total)... how about that? Or what would you suggest?
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Напишано од Dave, 04.02.2019 at 10:59
Nerf the transport ranges since it is the only thing keeping militia strategies like guerrilla warfare from snowballing out of control.
The cost downside does almost nothing to hamper this strategy.
So if we did transport range -1, and maybe transport cost another +10 (so +40 total)... how about that? Or what would you suggest?
I think how it's done with gw is a good example.
+150 naval trans cost -2 range
+200 air trans cost - 2 range
This will help slow the snowballing and allow you to stop it before it gets uncontrollable.
Напишано од Dave, 04.02.2019 at 09:02
Напишано од beep, 04.02.2019 at 07:14
Loving the active engagement, are there any other strategies the admins are looking at changing? Also, is it possible that in the near future custom maps won't have to rely on "(Unit Type) : Other" so that more strategies can be of use in scenario games?
I don't have any immediate plans but we'll see what comes up in the next month. Also regarding Unit Type: Other... why is it necessary to rely on it? Why not use the other roles we already have?
Because there are stat limits to the standard roles. For example you cant set any of the standard roles to have more or less hp than 7. There's stat caps and minimums on everything from attack to unit cost.
Removing it is something mapmakers have been asking for years.
Also Beacuse All the other Roles that there aren't on World map like Secondary Attack or Naval: Deffence arent affected by strats unless they affect all units.
Nice to see you are willing to give new strategies a go, though I feel WD counter insurgency would have been the best one to try out first
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
+150 naval trans cost -2 range
+200 air trans cost - 2 range
This will help slow the snowballing and allow you to stop it before it gets uncontrollable.
Okay. I implemented your suggestion. Let's try it now.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Rip. Militia on steroids and thats new strategy...
The strat is ridiculous. It's basically 40 cost IF inf with PD range, but you aren't supposed to defend with them.
I've made so many threads saying, that defence has to be stronger than attack, why did nobody fucking listen?
I listened
Bring back Tank General please (offensive strat for main attack units, just like PD buffs main defence units). It was removed before custom wars came sadly.
Maybe make NC affect naval secondary units, naval defence units and naval special units, maybe, but TG is so missed strat in scenarios.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
Напишано од Dave, 04.02.2019 at 11:18
+150 naval trans cost -2 range
+200 air trans cost - 2 range
This will help slow the snowballing and allow you to stop it before it gets uncontrollable.
Okay. I implemented your suggestion. Let's try it now. 
No, it won't stop it from becoming uncontrollable. It's miltia need to be nerfed. Most of the expansions aren't done by sea transports. They are still over land without any support with any sort of transports. It's cancerous units can still spread like crazy.
Insur Militia has the best cost efficiency of all units by a huge margin. Even GW or Imp can't compete with it. This transport nerf just stops rush plays from happening. Slowroll is still insane.
Bring back Tank General please
I might.
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

Hmm well balancing probably wasnt done but its nice to see a new strat
Its also bugged
if milita have less than 3 att then it will boost it TO 6 att which is broken since thats a +5 att buff for some ..
Like for example ww1 map has 1 att milita which still become 6 att 4 def ..
Thank you for the great work, we love this game! love the new additions idea.
If your gonna act like a bitch, Your gonna die like a bitch. - Madonna <3
This strat imo is more suited to mid-range fund games than the low income areas of the map.
If only I'd time to play rn.
Sometimes I think some people wants this game to die with all this refusing of changes and sticking to ''muh balance''. Let it go mane.
...још сте ту...
Good job you broke all the scenarios xD
Напишано од sirivann, 04.02.2019 at 15:41
Good job you broke all the scenarios xD
Not really if mapmaker do his job making militia not buildable at least t2 onwards.
Напишано од Agel, 04.02.2019 at 15:43
Напишано од sirivann, 04.02.2019 at 15:41
Good job you broke all the scenarios xD
Not really if mapmaker do his job making militia not buildable at least t2 onwards.
thats under the idea that all mapmakers are still active which they arent , the current ones mostly have all their maps on standby till the editor shit is fixed while a few handfull like WD have some out which are good, which means a shitload of scenarios are now RIP xD.
Would be nice if their was a option to disable certain strats and not all that way most scenarios can still be played .