27.12.2020 - 07:26
As long as a format which gives the participants absolute control of who they play, when they play, frequency of play,exists; the season trophies for duels and cw's should be removed. Just let it be what exists, folks playing people they like/ think they can beat. Sure games should be fun so one can play with friends etc but should not be rewarded for it, that is not a competition. A competition has structure, finite number of games among the participants etc. I think Croat did an excellent job demonstrating what a competition looks like. Trophies should be reserved for events which have similar structure, clear rules that actually make it "competitive". There is no competition that exists anywhere in anything where the player has such power, that is called casual play, not competition.
27.12.2020 - 08:10
So we should eliminate the people who finish last? Nice idea 1000iq did you think of it last 90 days because your last thread wasn't anything close to this but kinda opposite asking everyone to play you. Clowns gonna clown
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27.12.2020 - 09:00
Cw season all clans are playing eachother (except gay dodgers kys) where you can't really farm (except if you're a gay dodger and only play weaker clans) only camping is a problem, so the competition is fine even if a tournament with pc rewards is better the current system is fine like croat did with The War. Duel season is just farming, best farmer wins.
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27.12.2020 - 09:12
The War was a good tournament lol, it was legit better than a normal season, I tryharded way more for the war than in all the normal cws I've played. And for The War all clans played eachother for league stages, then it's normal that the best clans should keep playing and be rewarded at the end of the final 4.
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27.12.2020 - 09:14
We could have a seasonal tournament similar to the war and a normal season season, I think it's the best option. +if you remember the war you had to start with only 8 players and couldn't change them to prevent clanhopping, the rules changed later when some clans died because the tournament was dead for a month.
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27.12.2020 - 11:23
Of course you get the choice of playing who you want, people are here willingly so why would they want to play games that they do not want to play? Duels and clan wars were never advertised as being some kind of professional esports league or some other kind sporting tournament... that's what the actual tournaments are there for. In fact literally every area of atwar has competitive elements to it from Scenarios to World Map to anything really, it's just EU+ players who have branded themselves as the competitive top of atwar as they think it makes themselves better than the rest. Why should duel trophies and such be removed? They serve exactly the purpose that they were created for; the top 3 highest seasonal elos get a trophy for it. There's no hidden meaning to it other than that
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
27.12.2020 - 13:52
You can't say this unless you have made it to the top of the leaderboards and feel like the system is broken. I partially agree that playing friends can sometimes result in unfair advantages. Although completely removing the system would be very counterproductive. We want people playing more games, not less.
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27.12.2020 - 16:08
I want that trophy we're a player has participated in 200 duels XD. I'm already past 400
---- Deutsch überwältigt ![]()
27.12.2020 - 20:29
you're also past 100 clan wars
---- Not a good player
27.12.2020 - 20:30
True too
---- Deutsch überwältigt ![]()
27.12.2020 - 20:42
i haven't gotten my 100 cw trophy either the mods are keeping it from us .
27.12.2020 - 20:49
Ask Croat to give it to you, he'll do it.
27.12.2020 - 23:33
Дали сте сигурни?