Changed reinforcement distribution in Merish and Enaar. They still have the same amount of income and reinforcements.
New 1v1 preset, since the old 1v1 preset doesn't work anymore.
Small islands can't be disabled without breaking the preset. They have to stay unfortunately.
EDIT: 04.02.2019
Increased reinforcements of Westhill and Sershet.
Decreased Income of Jharkendar and Springwood by 30 each.
Deleted a city in Ascose and added the income and reinforcements to another city in that country.
Increased city income of Woodden and Mallowpond by 100 each.
Deepshore and Shadowelf got more 50 city income
Paramenides reinforcement increased by 1 and income decreased by 10 (for 5k balance)
Fourniccerus income increased by 10.